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Walking Shoes or Running Shoes?

This news might come to you as a shock, and it might even be a painful realisation, but here we go: The point of walking shoes is not to look cute. There, I said it. But jokes aside, your best weapon against injuries that range from joint pain to back pain, wearing the correct shoes for the activity you are partaking in.

So what’s the difference between walking shoes and running shoes?

Just because you bought yourself a good pair of shoes from the Nike sales counter doesn’t mean that you can use them as an all-purpose item. Because different activities demand different types of movement from our feet, different types of shoes should be worn for different purposes, and you will be amazed at the differences your body experiences between running and walking.

Do the best you can

Always go for the best kind of shoe that your individual budget allows for. When you find a shoe that you like, don’t hold back. Get in there with your hands and manipulate the shoe in several different directions. You want to know that the shoe you are looking at can handle a range of exertions across the spectrum. If you have budgeted for a new pair of shoes, you want to make sure that your money is well-spent. Test, test, and test again, and make sure that that which you’re buying is worth your time and money.

What’s the deal with running shoes?

These are significantly lighter in weight than walking or hiking shoes, and come with more cushioning, as the impact to the feet is far greater in a running situation. There are also often constructed using mesh, which allows for optimum circulation of air to cool down the feet while running.

If you yourself, or any of your friends are regular runners, the term pronation will have crossed your path. Pronation refers to the rolling motion of the foot while it is in a natural state of movement. People with flat feet are prone to overpronation, but this condition is luckily easily resolved by additional cushioning to support ankles and take weight off the toes. Underpronation is a condition often experienced by people with high arches to their feet. This results in an additional rolling motion across the foot, and the condition is easily identified by evidence of additional wear and tear around the outside edges of the shoe. Wearing a shoe that counters underpronation is the easiest way to solve this.

What makes a good fit?

Make sure that you judge the comfort of what seems to be a great pair of shoes for sale, based on how it feels on your feet, rather than be guided by expectations of what you think your shoe size is. It is common knowledge that different manufacturers have their own sizing systems, and that shoe sizes do not always run according to a universal scale.

Make sure that you shop for shoes at the end of the day, when your feet are swollen to their largest possible size.

Take your time when shopping for the perfect shoe and make sure that they fit just right.

Disclosure – this is a sponsored post.

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