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How To Get Pregnant FAST – TOP TIPS

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After my hubby and I got married we knew we wanted a baby and we wanted one quickly. I was 27 when we got married but I’d been so broody for about 2 years. I think it just hits you. You just know you know want to become a Mum and it does become all consuming. It was all I thought about and when we officially started to ‘try’ this became even worse! Thankfully I got pregnant fast with my first child and with second two even faster. This gave me the idea for this post – how to get pregnant fast and I thought I would share my tips.

I’m not a doctor and I know that fertility is so different between women and couples. What works for one person may not work for another at all! So I can all do is share my experience and hope it helps.

When I got married I was on the contraceptive pill and had been since I was 17 years old. 10 whole years. It felt like a long time. It was a long time!! There was that fear that my fertility was going to be poor. What if I couldn’t get pregnant? This is always a fear for anyone trying to start a family and I was no different. You have no patience. You have no rationale thoughts! I did a couple of tests in the early months and the negatives are hard to see.

In the end it took me 3 months to fall pregnant with my eldest, which was no time at all but I remember panicking after a couple of months, that it wasn’t going to happen! In hindsight I knew why our chances were lower in the first few months and will share my tips with you. 

Get Pregnant Fast

I have some articles with may help here:

– Ideas for Healthy Snacks

10 Common Weight Loss Mistakes I Hear all the Time

Have a read at some old wives tales to get pregnant fast too!! These are very funny, like keeping your legs up after sex and trying different positions!

Getting pregnant can be stressful and a nervous time but the key really is to be the opposite and try and enjoy it. Getting your body as healthy as can be is a really good start and knowing your body and cycle really helped us.

If in doubt always have a chat with your GP for more advice. Good Luck!

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