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The Realities of Co-Sleeping


I never thought I would join the co-sleeping party. EVER! I’ve written about this before. I was stubborn, opinionated and annoying. The realities of co-sleeping are nothing like I imagined. Snuggling and cuddling? Waking up to my cute little man’s face slowly?

Not at all!

A friend said to me recently: you never know if it’s how you parent or just how your kids are, when I comes to how they eat, sleep or just generally behave! I’ve gone from two girls who could self settle and slept very well to a baby boy that will just cry and wake at least twice a night for milk. It’s not unmanageable but it’s different and co-sleeping keeps me sane and well rested. Is that just him? Or have I been more chilled out and lazy?!

But there are certain realities to co-sleeping and not all of it is wonderful and certainly not just waking up to your cute baby’s face every morning!

I’m trying to stay fairly easy going. I’m almost a co-sleeping virgin, as not done it a lot with my girls before. I know people who have co-slept for years. And that’s ok. Everyone says he won’t still be with me when he’s 18!

Will he?

I’m going with the co-sleeping flow and see where it takes me!

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

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