Piglet, our little newborn, was born over a week ago now, which is crazy. We have been in a bit of a bubble but also after day 5 started to venture out a bit! What has amazed me is everything I’d forgotten about a newborn. The gremlin is a beasty 3 years old and her newborn days have passed in a blur. However with my little Piglet I have really tried to savour these days and have lots of cuddles.
But you do just forget what newborns are like!!
See what I mean:
- Their size. Piglet was a good 1.5lbs bigger than the Gremlin but yet she is so freakin tiny! I lifted the gremlin out of our bed into hers the other night and almost died!! How big is she in comparison??
- Their noises. On the first night I thought Piglet was the perfect name for our newborn second girlie. She snorted and grunted for ages! Ear plugs did nothing!! Luckily this has settled!
- Their random body movements. The arm and leg thrashes. Rooting mouths for food and general wiggling. It is lovely to watch and listen too.
- That cry. So far Piglet only makes a few shouty noises when she is hungry and cries when she is cold after her bath. That cry is so hard not to be moved by, it is so distinctive, yet I have totally forgotten the gremlin’s.
- Their irregular breathing. One minute it is slow and steady, the next you think they have stopped and the next minute they sound like they are hyperventilating. I’m not as freaked out as I was by the gremlin but I do have to stop and listen.
- They sleep all day and party all night. For the first few days it is feed, feed, feed all night long and sleep all day. Babies, you have it wrong!! Piglet is now a lot more alert in the day and is sleeping more at night which is great. See how long that lasts!!
- Their smell. That new baby smell. It just never seems to go. I must admit we are very pro-baths. Piglet’s skin is fine and hubby likes to bath her, as feels is good for her routine and distinguishing night and day. I do just love that clean baby smell.
- Their milk guzzling and subsequent choking. As soon as I heard Piglet choking on my milk as it had come in, those memories of the gremlin came back. My heart used to stop as she choked on some milk, coughed and I waited for her to take a breath. They are just so greedy!
- Those poos. Hubby had his first poonami this week. Nappy off and poop fired across the mat onto him and the carpet. Never underestimate the power of a newborn poop!!
- How utterly dependent they are on you. Food, changing, washing, cuddles and moving about. You have created this little life and they need you so so much.
You may have guessed that we are so far loving the newborn days. Piglet is a very happy little thing and we are making the most of this before the lovely wonder weeks or sleep regressions!
Can you think of anything else I have forgotten about a newborn?
Congratulations on your baby – she is beautiful. You do forget a lot but it is quicker to refresh then start from the beginning with a new born X #wotw
All of this!! The only difference for me is that Oscar spends all day feeding and then sleeps at night! I don’t know how long this will last but it’s ruddy amazing! He tends to guzzle loads in the evening then we go up to bed about 11 and I feed him again and then he wakes at about 3 and then about 6.30! It’s amazing so I’m totally making the most of it! Last night he fell asleep without a feed and then woke at 1.30 and 5.30. He’s just incredible. Zach used to feed all night!
Aww definitely some of the cuter things, it is funny how much you forget isn’t it? I always like the newborn stage where they sleep so much… It’s when they become more alert and things like colic and reflux came into it for us that I enjoyed it less! Hopefully you won’t have those troubles and she continues to be a happy contented little thing for you xxx
Ah gosh, it’s so funny how much you forget isn’t it?! So looking forward to reliving these newborn days in a few months (All being well). Congratulations again on gorgeous Piglet! Hope you’re managing to get some rest. X
Ah, you have brought it all back! You do forget, and you’re right, those cries are so distinctive yet now I haven’t a clue how both of mine sounded! Sounds like you’re all doing so well, lovely post. Thanks for sharing with #WotW x
What a precious photo! I love their smell and even their breath. When my daughter was a newborn I couldn’t stop smelling her lovely infant smell. Precious moments. I do miss them. #wotw
Oh. Congratulations! And you are right you forget. I remember it felt like I was learning all over again each time I had a new born. They are so special. I do remember how the older siblings suddenly seemed bigger and more grown up. Enjoy this time. #wotw
whenever I see a newborn I’m always amazed at how small they are. How quickly we forget these things. #thatfridaylinky
hehehe! It is amazing how much you forget…It’s been 9 years since my girl was a newborn and I forgot about a lot of these things!
Ahh! I love that new baby smell!
She is such a cutie!
Ahh what a cutie! My son is almost 4 and I’m due to give birth to our little girl in January so I can imagine I will experience a lot of these just as you have! You just forget don’t you, it seems like a lifetime ago that he was little! #thatfridaylinky
Aww this brought back memories – it’s amazing how quickly those beautiful (aside from the sleep-deprivation!) newborn days are forgotten. That new baby smell is wonderful and I remember all the random wriggles and that distinctive cry. Beautiful photo of Piglet too. Glad to hear that you are enjoying reliving the newborn days once again 🙂 #WotW
Congratulations ! she’s adorable. That new baby smell you can’t beat it, I love the way newborns curl there tiny fingers around yours, it really is a fleeting moment that they are so tiny it reminds you to enjoy every moment. #WotW
Ahhh ohh you are making me so broody! We were also pro baths, I hated the thought of them being all crusty with milk etc etc! Lovely post hun, brings all the newborn memories back #ThatFridayLinky
Aw she’s super cute! I feels like so long away now since our girls were babies! I can’t believe they’re five next year! Thanks for joining in with #ThatFridayLinky
Oh yes, that utterly scrumptious newborn smell. It’s SUCH a shame you can’t bottle it for your memories! And yes the nappies too… eek! #wotw
Such a lovely post and you’ve bought some lovely memories back to me. X
Like Jeremy said it always amazes me how tiny new borns are and how quickly we forget so many things take as much as you can in it will be over in a flash she is beautiful Thanks for linking to the #THAT FRIDAY LINKY come back next week please
Huge congratulations from our family to yours. Our youngest has only just turned 1 but, even so, you’ve just reminded me of a couple of things I’d put to the back of my mind. First among them is their weird nightly noises, that you seem to worry about over and over. Enjoy these moments.
Potty Adventures
What a gorgeous post and it brought back some lovely newborn days memories.
I had forgotten about many of them – the noises, the snoring and the nappies! And yes, the size and how light they are – my five year old still wants to be picked up now and again and he’s huge!!
Sounds like you’re enjoying all of your newborn days; absolutely gorgeous photo & enjoy your newborn. Time goes by so quickly