Piglet’s Birth Story

birth story

I wanted to write Piglet’s birth story whilst it was fresh in my mind. Piglet is now two days old and fast asleep in the Moses basket as we speak! By the time this is posted though she will be almost a week old.


I still can’t really believe she is here and that she came so quickly, as soon as she was ready.

Here is our story.

Most of you who had been following the blog or Instagram knew I was getting a little uncomfy towards the end of the pregnancy. Probably from 37.5 weeks the Braxton Hicks and pressure were really intense and I knew Piglet’s head was very low. On the Monday I visited the midwife and had my induction booked, if I was late. I also had a sweep planned for the Sunday. My Mum left that evening after being with us all day. I had even gone back to the gym that day and squatted like a nut to help her head bounce on my cervix a little more but nothing.

Everyone had said labour would start when I least expected it and they were right.

I had been relegated into the spare room on Monday night as kept snoring (come on, I was a bit snotty and pregnant!!). The gremlin woke around 4am and called for Daddy (she always does at night; it is fab!) and I got up and gave her a kiss too but had a vague feeling that I had been in a bit of pain before moving. I got back in bed and felt quite a painful tightening. Deciding to lie and wait a while; about 10 minutes passed before another pain came along. I still wasn’t sure it was labour and didn’t want to wake hubby unless I was completely sure! Two more contractions (I’m calling them those now) came and I decided to wake hubby. At this point it was just before 5am. He had unfortunately had one of the worst night’s sleep in ages due to his cold and tried to doze for a while. I ended up chatting the my blogging bud over at Poop Rainbows, as they are an hour ahead in Spain and waited a while longer to call my Mum, just before 6am. I called the birth unit, which is 5 minutes away, midwife-led and really chilled out. They told me to stay put but just be mindful that second babies come quicker!

With my Mum and step-Dad on their way, hubby went and sent a few work emails and the gremlin came in to say good morning. She chilled on hubby’s phone whilst I rested in bed for a while longer. I jumped in the bath, whilst hubby got ready for the imminent hospital trip and the gremlin had breakfast with Nanny.

I knew I needed to eat so got dry after a while. The pain was much more intense as I pottered around and I knew things were moving faster. I got dressed, needed the loo twice and lost quite a lot of my plug each time. I managed to get dressed and come downstairs. Aware, that I wasn’t even timing contractions, I started doing this. I was really surprised that they were less than 5 minutes apart now but short at 45 seconds on average. I could still cope but they were getting worse. I ate an egg and toast and had a couple of cuppas before settling in the lounge with my TENS machine on. This must have been around 8.30-9am as Jeremy Kyle wasn’t on yet!! The birth unit said keep at home a little longer if I could, as I called them again.

in labour - birth story


The TENS machine really helped with the pain. The gremlin was keeping busy with Grandad but she was pretty giddy when she came running in and out of the lounge. Jeremy Kyle came on and Nanny took over getting the gremlin dressed and playing. I tried to focus on Jeremy but the pain was getting baaaad! I was feeling more bum pressure and we all decided time to go in. By this time it must have been 10.15am.

Hubby did take some pics. I realised they would be my final bump shots. The first, yes, is between contractions.


using the tens machine - birth story

The gremlin wasn’t fussed about us leaving and was happy to stay with Grandad. It felt very weird and emotional saying goodbye to her but I knew I had to focus on getting to the car with hubby and Mum. We don’t think it registered I was going to hospital to have her sister. I was very shivery and teeth chattering in the car so I really knew things were ramping up, as the adrenaline must have been kicking in.

It did literally take us 5 minutes to get to the birth unit. I was ushered in to the same room to where I had the gremlin, which was surreal. The rooms are lovely with beds, a massive pool, birth balls and a general relaxing atmosphere. Hubby had to then run home and back as we forgot my blue notes!! The pool was already filling as we came in.

I continued using the TENS machine as I was examined; bump size, wee, blood pressure and most importantly my dilation which was 8cm! My Mum cried again as we were so happy Piglet was almost on her way.


The pain was getting really intense now. I knew I had to take the TENS off to get in the birth pool and was not looking forward to that. The reality that I had to go through child birth again was also really kicking in too!!! I managed to get in after putting on one of my Rhodes holiday bikini tops on and the warmth was lovely. A puff of gas and air also was pretty nice. I love the giggling that comes with it despite the situation you are in!

I knew it wasn’t long before I needed to start pushing and I was dreading it!! Not happy on some of these between contraction pictures.

in the birth pool


I am AMAZED how you forget the intensity of both the pressure and pain when you are pushing your baby out and giving birth!! Luckily second time around it was sooo much quicker. I couldn’t puff on the gas and air so squeezed the crap out of hubby’s hand. My water’s bulged out with the first push and a couple later came her head! Owie but I was so relieved it was so fast. There was a bit of time before the rest of her popped out as my contractions seemed to stop for a few minutes!! We were all a bit worried but one finally came and I caught her and brought her to my chest.

It was sooo different to the gremlin where I just felt overwhelmed and almost numb! The rush of love and joy was immediate and whereas I was a bit emotionless with the gremlin, I cried lots. I guess this is something that can happen second time around when you are more mentally prepared.

Some pictures are a bit blurred. I think hubby was shaking but you get the gyst!




I sat and cuddled her for a while and hubby cut the cord. I then got out of the pool to deliver the placenta. That injection to speed it along was lovely (not) in my thigh. Hubby and Mum had a bit of a biology lesson on my placenta after it was out. I was examined and thank goodness no stitches needed. I had more cuddles with Piglet and I wanted to try and feed her soon. I could not believe what a Pro she was. With the gremlin I needed help with her latching on and she had about 5-10 mins on the boob. Piglet latched in about 10 seconds and had a total of 1 HOUR feeding on both sides.


Poor hubby and Mum didn’t get a look in. I was actually pretty uncomfy, as the cramps were really intense as I fed her, I was hot and feeling a tad pukey. I managed some toast, tea and biscuits. Little one had her Vitamin K injection and after she finally finished feeding, hubby and Mum could finally get some cuddles.

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Piglet had pooped all over me and the towel, as she had pigged for so long. It was getting ready for us to move to the postnatal room. I had a bath, put my nightie on and we all moved. My Mum then left and hubby decided to go off to get some food for me. I had the best Joe and The Juice – a smoothie and a spicy tuna. It was like the best thing I had ever tasted, as I was starving.

After food, we wanted to get the gremlin over the meet her sister. I was so emotional before she came in and wasn’t sure what to expect. She was adorable though. Gave her sister her little duck present, wanted to touch her and we got some lovely snaps. She was a little giddy and I was slightly worried she would sit on her sister a few times (!) but that was to be expected. You can see some of the moments from below.

siblings meet after birth

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I then wanted to go home! Just had to wait for someone to check Piglet over and all my paperwork. I was going to need another Anti D jab as Piglet has hubby’s blood group but I could come back the next day. We finally got back home around 9pm.

I was amazed how fast labour was second time around. From the initial twinges and losing my plug we were looking at over 36 hours with the gremlin. From the 4am contractions starting to Piglet being born at 11.29am; we had 7.5 hours with her. The intensity and pain was worse but the pushing was awesomely fast.


I had exactly what I had hoped for in my second birth and am so grateful to Mum and hubby for being there and the fab midwives at the Netherbrook Birth Unit at Solihull Hospital.




  1. Left Back
    October 3, 2016 / 7:12 am

    It’s lovely to be able to share your birth story. Congratulations.

  2. October 3, 2016 / 10:17 am

    Ahhh lovely birth story honey,you had such a fab labour again and quick!! Hehe,lovely piccies too. #marvmondays

  3. October 3, 2016 / 1:05 pm

    Well done lovely she’s so gorgeous. So glad to hear all went as well has you hoped, love a happy birth story! Xxx

  4. October 3, 2016 / 1:52 pm

    Congratulations! And what lovely photos of your two little ones meeting for the first time. My second labour was super quick too. I’m glad to hear you had such a straight forward birth (those birthing pools are amazing aren’t they!) and I hope you’re all settling down to life as a family of 4. #MarvMondays

  5. October 3, 2016 / 2:06 pm

    I’m so pleased everything went well and it’s so lovely to read about your wonderful birth announcement. You really did have such a calm labour but you also seemed calm when you were talking about it all, I really think our emotions impact our births. She’s so gorgeous and its lovely that gremlin took so well to her. Enjoy this little newborn bubble and congratulations! Xxx

  6. October 3, 2016 / 3:29 pm

    This is so lovely Sarah and well to your husband for getting so many pictures. I literally have none of me in labour!! #marvmondays

  7. October 3, 2016 / 3:58 pm

    Well done you for looking so composed and capturing so much in photos! You look so well throughout. #MarvMondays

  8. October 3, 2016 / 6:48 pm

    Oh Sarah, so emotional reading this. He got some great shots bless him. Hope you are doing well as a family of 4. Mwah!! xxx

  9. Hannah Budding Smiles
    October 3, 2016 / 8:15 pm

    Oh god I was doing just fine until I got to that first photo of you holding Piglet, then I welled up a tad! So glad you got a wonderful birth experience, I’m fine (ish) about not having any more children but am gutted not to give birth again. Huge congratulations again team RJS, she’s absolutely beautiful and well done Mama xx

  10. October 4, 2016 / 9:51 am

    This is so lovely…I’m so pleased you had the birth you hoped and that you were able to get home so quickly. Beautiful photographs! X

  11. tracey at Mummyshire
    October 5, 2016 / 1:43 am

    Oh this is such a beautiful post, took me right back to my little ones and I’m not ashamed to say I was a little bit teary towards the end of reading this! So lovely that it all went well and you had the birth that you wanted, and your family is absolutely gorgeous. Well done you and it must be lovely to be back in your own home so quickly!

  12. October 5, 2016 / 6:54 am

    Lovely! Welcome little piglet! I used the TENS machine with my second too, thanks to my sister-in-law’s advice and OH what a life saver!! I am one of those ‘special’ pregnant women who don’t get breaks in between contractions so it was the only thing that saved me. (that and that #2 came quick!). Congratulations!

  13. Nige
    October 5, 2016 / 8:06 am

    Congrats a lovely birth story thanks for hosting #bestandworst

  14. October 5, 2016 / 8:43 am

    Sounds absolutely sensational!! I just cannot believe how quickly you guys can head home in the UK. We all stay in a few days; more if private and we want to. I adore the little photo with Gremlin looking up; so innocent and awe struck. Congrats again. You did an amazing job. #bestandworst

  15. October 5, 2016 / 11:39 am

    Congratulations!! What an amazing birth story..you did amazing and your hubby has captured some wonderful photos. I hope you are recovering well and enjoying life as a family of 4 xx

  16. October 5, 2016 / 12:17 pm

    Congratulations! I had a pool birth with my second, it made the experience so much better!


  17. October 5, 2016 / 6:26 pm

    Oh Sarah this made me cry, I am so happy that you had such a wonderful experience and the photos of your two girls together are just adorable. I love the look on your face as you first hold her, they are my favourite photos to see of a mother and her child, that moment is just so special isn’t it? #bestandworst

  18. Briony
    October 5, 2016 / 9:52 pm

    Yeyyy! Congratulations hun. I’m so glad it went well and the pictures are lovely. It’s so sweet seeing Gremlin and PIglet meeting. #bestandworst

  19. October 6, 2016 / 10:44 am

    Sarah this is such a beautiful story. I too managed to get my “dream” birth with my second and I cannot shout loudly enough about how amazing birthing pools and midwife led units are! Thank you for sharing and congratulations again to you and your precious family xx #bestandworst

  20. October 6, 2016 / 11:50 am

    Big congratulations! I had a water birth with Little B and am hoping for the same third time round – fingers crossed!! #bestandworst

  21. Jaki
    October 6, 2016 / 6:56 pm

    Oh I have something in my eye!!! Gorgeous story and thank you for sharing it! She is absolutely beautiful and the last picture of her & Gremlin is adorable! You all look so happy which is great to see! I know I’ve said it before but huge congratulations. Super pleased for you! X #bestandworst

  22. October 6, 2016 / 7:58 pm

    Back from #bestandworst 🙂

  23. Sam Kersley
    October 7, 2016 / 4:44 pm

    What a beautiful birth story. It had a me welling up and a lump in my throat.

  24. October 10, 2016 / 11:36 pm

    Congratulations – she’s lovely! Glad the birth went well and as planned! #bestandworst

  25. yvonne
    October 11, 2016 / 8:36 pm

    It is really lovely to hear about your birth experiences, congratulations. Welcome to the world piglet 🙂 x #bestandworst