Three Children – Three Animals – Choosing a Pet with Little Live Pets | AD

I have three very different children; two girls and a boy. Each have their own personalities, likes, dislikes and opinions. There can be a fight over what they would like to watch on the television or a heated discussion over what game to play in the garden. So of course, this is going to be same when it comes to their favourite animal.

My children would love a pet! It’s not a flat out no from me for the future but something that definitely need a lot of consideration. For me with three children, I definitely need them all to be a little more self-sufficient before introducing another living creature into the mix. We used to have a hamster but like for many families, I ended up playing with it and feeding it. The novelty can wear off sometimes. Hamsters don’t live for that long and are nocturnal, so this can be tricky for younger children with earlier bedtimes.

Choosing a Pet with Little Live Pets

My little boy is very excited for a little dog but my eldest is very much not as keen. She has seen with her own eyes the amount of work needed to look after a dog and she has her heart more set on a guinea pig. Smaller, cuter and a little less work. My laid back middle-child is probably leaning more towards a puppy but she is also quite drawn to a bird.

Three children – three opinions. So what to do?

This is where Little Live Pets  from Very are a fantastic answer to three children with different preferences.

Little Live Pets give your children the amazing experience of caring for different animals. They are cute, realistic and the next best thing to having a little pet. Each are different with little, unique surprises. Very have a fantastic range to choose from.

little live pets from very

The Little Live Pets Mama Surprise Guinea Pig

The Little Live Pets Mama Surprise Guinea Pig thrilled my eldest no end. Not only do you have a soft, interactive Mama guinea pig with its own interactive hutch but if you care, play and brush Mama, three baby guinea pigs are born, complete with their own looks and accessories.

Little ones love the surprise element and the interaction with the little guinea pigs was so cute to watch. They are soft and so realistic!

girl with surprise guinea pig from little live pets

little live pets guinea pig and three babies

The Little Live Pets My Puppy’s Home Playset

My baby boy with his love for a dog was very excited to try his hand at owning a Little Lives Pets Puppy. Being someone who loves to build, he was thrilled to have to build the kennel for his puppy! This really got him involved in the process of what you would have to consider before buying a pet. He named his puppy, prepped some water and its mat and his puppy just appeared with a little thud, inside the kennel. It was so cute and soft. The puppy has over 25 sounds and reactions and has a little bone to be fed. My little man loved it and gave him a little taste of having a little puppy.

boy with little live pets my puppy home playset

boy cuddling puppy from my puppy home playlet

The Little Live Pets Lil’ Bird & Bird Cage: Tiara Twinkles

I used to have a singing little budgie when I was a child and loved how happy and colourful it was. My middle daughter had a go at experiencing this with Tiara Twinkles, the Lil’ Bird and Bird Cage from Little Live Pets. These little birds come to life in your hands, as you stroke and pet them. They tweet and chirp and eventually sing a tune. The best bit for my daughter was pressing the button on Tiara’s chest and recording what she said or sung. So much fun! It was like having a little budgie or a parrot! Tiara perches in her beautiful cage, keeping you company.

The Little Live Pets range really gave my little ones a taste of what it was like to have their own little pet and their chance at caring for something. They can see a little what it would be like to have their own. Cute, realistic and interactive; perfect for kids.

Now it is just deciding what real animal we may get, one day!

Disclosure – these products were provided to us in return for a post. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
