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Our Holiday In Cyprus

As usual I have been home about two weeks and still not written a post about my holiday in Cyprus. Partly, as the photos were all still on the camera! You may have read my tongue in cheek post about holidaying with two kids but this is the real deal!

The four of us, plus my Mum and step-Dad jetted off to Paphos in Cyprus for 11 nights. We stayed at a beautiful Sensatori hotel – Aphrodite Hills which was amazing! To check out more accommodation options, search hotels or vacation rentals with cozy cozy.

I always prefer to let the pictures do more of the talking so here we go!

I was a bit nervous about flying with the two of them but both were really well behaved on our 4 hour, daytime flight. The gremlin was most interested in the chocolate fingers Grandad was going to buy for her!

We arrived quite late Cyprus time  but had a lovely welcome from the hotel, food and drinks and were shown to our room. We knew the hotel was going to be fab and we were not disappointed.

The gremlin, beyond exhausted, did what she did last year; cried and wanted to go home. A sleep soon sorted her out and she was raring to go the next day. All 4 of us were in one room but there was a sliding partition between us and the girls. This was ok and I’ll admit all sharing was probably the roughest part of going away, as we all disturbed each other.

Holidays are a little more restrictive with kids and especially a baby. We settled into a bit of a daytime routine but it was harder to get out of the hotel on this holiday. It was an amazing hotel, with lots to do but not many places close to visit by foot. We were limited to trips or visits to Paphos, which was a 40 minute bus trip.

Little Piglet was always up early, so I often went to the gym or I took her for a walk. The gremlin always went to bed very late, so tended to sleep in.

We all tended to go to breakfast together  and leg it to bag sunbeds. As we went in May though, the hotel was quiet so we had no bother getting places to chill.

The food was fabulous; so much choice. I lived on fruit, veg, eggs, meat and fish, yoghurt, nuts, pizza and various desserts. Amazing! The gremlin was pretty good and although I joked she ate a lot of chocolate, she too ate her meals, including some fruit and veg. She did manage to puke once though…oops. Piglet was brilliant. We could always find her breakfast and a main meal in the restaurant. I was pleased with this so she could continue with lumpy food and finger food. She did have a pouch for her evening meal in the room.

You can see one of Piglet’s random breakfasts below!

With four adults, there was freedom to do a bit of what we liked. Hubby tended to swim with the gremlin which gave me time to read a book, whilst Piglet chilled or slept. There was a fab park on site and I took the gremlin there a few times. My step-dad disappeared into the gym for ages, as he is not keen on the sun. The weather was amazing; up to 30 degrees some days.

As stated we didn’t go on many trips, as I was restricted a little with breastfeeding and taking Piglet. Mum and I decided to try horse riding, as we would see some of the countryside. I haven’t ridden in years so it was really fun and the scenery was fab. Let’s just saw I had a sore bum the next day!

We also took a trip into Paphos which was nice. There wasn’t as much there as in previous holidays we have been on but we had lunch out, had a walk and saw a bit of Cyprus.

We tended to stay by the pool and all were together late afternoon. Hubby would always get a crepe and my Mum and I had a cocktail after Piglet had her pm feed. Chatting and giggling away after a drink or two was fun!

The gremlin made a couple of friends and the adults always fought over who WASN’T going to the kids entertainment!! Piglet wasn’t as good as her sister, who used to crash in the buggy as a baby and never wake. She often woke up during the evening and wanted more milk which meant I rarely had a hangover, as had to watch what I drank!

Hubby and I got one date meal where we watched the sunset and had our tea. It was quite short though the gremlin found us in the lobby!

The help from family was great though, as it really made me feel like I had a break.

These posts are always picture heavy!

We had a brilliant time on holiday together. The hotel was amazing, we all got on well and best of all no cooking, cleaning and chores!

We are already planning next years!



  1. June 2, 2017 / 10:59 am

    Wow how lovely. I will live a summer holiday through your photos at the moment gald you guys had a great time and as always telling the whole story #thatfridaylinky

  2. June 2, 2017 / 11:59 am

    Sounds so lovely! Glad you had a great time, loved the photos x

  3. Emily
    June 2, 2017 / 7:43 pm

    It looks like you had such a lovely time. I’ve never been to Greece, but it looks really nice. Glad that the girls were well behaved on the plane too!

  4. June 2, 2017 / 10:06 pm

    Gorgeous photos and it sounds like you had an ace time 🙂 Holidays with kids just isn’t the same though as it used to be ha! Popping over from #ThatFridayLinky

  5. June 3, 2017 / 2:29 am

    looks great Sarah. Congrats on surviving the flight!

  6. June 3, 2017 / 9:16 am

    A lovely post and great pictures. I really like Cyprus – I worked there a number of years ago. It’s a great place to visit.

  7. June 4, 2017 / 3:11 pm

    A lovely holiday post with fab pictures summing up your holiday. I hope one day to visit Cyprus #thatfridaylinky