Disclosure – this is a collaborative
Being a parent means that your 2020 diary is quickly filling up before you’ve even purchased it! From dental appointments, to school trips, family events, hospital visits and more, it’s no wonder we’re often a little frazzled before the new year has even begun. One date you should keep in your diary though, is time set aside for a much deserved weekend away.
Whether you take friends, or your partner, spending some time away from your regular routine and the hustle and bustle of everyday life is something that every parent should invest in next year. Want to know why? Read on for 4 reasons why you should book that weekend away.
You get something to look forward to
You. Yes you. You get to look forward to something that is just for you. As a parent it means you’re going to be wracked with guilt at the very thought of doing something for yourself but having something for yourself to look forward to will make you feel good and give you such a positive outlook. Whether you’re planning a weekend to Paris – do you need to be vaccinated when travelling to France? Click the link for more information – or just a weekend tucked away in a holiday cottage somewhere, the anticipation and the build up to your weekend away will fill you with so much positivity, you just won’t be able to hide it.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone! So, when you’re enjoying your weekend away you’ll be reminded of how lucky you are to be able to go back to a loving family. In addition, your partner and children will be so happy to see you and maybe appreciate everything you do a little more!
It’s good for your mental health
Having a break from your regular routine can feel a little daunting, but when you neglect to put yourself first from time to time, (I know it’s not easy) we run the risk of burning ourselves out and making ourselves ill. Taking some time to refresh and reset your mental state by getting a good night’s sleep, by lowering your stress levels and being able to hear yourself think, will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to be the best parent you can be.
Time to reconnect
We all know that modern life makes meeting up with our friends regularly, an extremely rare event. Therefore, if you’re heading away with your girlfriends for a couple of days then you’ll get chance to catch up and enjoy being an adult without your little ones in tow.
If you’re spending a weekend with your partner, then it’s the perfect opportunity to reconnect and rediscover each other. It’s easy to fall into a routine of simply watching TV and staring at our phones – especially when we’re tired – but spending time together without interruption from your little ones will give the opportunity to talk about your feelings and check in with each other. You’ll probably want to do this more often!
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.