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How Can I Monitor My Child’s Text Messages on iPhone?

How Can I Monitor My Child’s Text Messages on iPhone?

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

There’s nothing more important to a parent than their child’s safety. That’s why parents are constantly concerned about their children’s activities, friendships, and especially their texting contacts. During their rebellious phase, children often keep secrets and navigate life independently, lacking their parents’ foresight. This can lead to them texting strangers who may pose a threat.

That’s why it’s essential to know how to get child’s text messages on iPhone. Join us today as we delve deeper into some practical techniques you can use to monitor texts on iphone.

How to See a Child’s Text Messages on iPhone: Effective Techniques

You can use many ways to see who your kid is texting using their iPhone, including using the phone’s built-in features. However, this approach has limitations.

The alternative is to use third-party apps like mSpy, Eyezy, or Parentaler. With these apps, you can do more than just track their texts. You can also see their location and monitor who they’re contacting. Some apps even allow you to do this without their knowledge.

That said, let’s delve into all the possible approaches in detail.

Third-Party Parental Control Apps

To help you see childs text messages iPhone effectively, we’ve assessed several third-party parental control apps. Parentaler stands out as our top choice. Its cross-platform compatibility makes monitoring your child’s iPhone effortless, whether you’re on your computer or using an Android device.

Why Should You Go with Parentaler?

We recommend Parentaler over other options for many compelling reasons. First, the installation process for Parentaler is as easy as it gets. You simply need to download the app on both devices, set things up, and you’re ready to go.

Parentaler surpasses mere iPhone parental monitoring text messages. It also enables you to view deleted content. Whether it’s text messages, media files, or pictures from Snapchat, Parentaler empowers you to access them all.

Additionally, Parentaler offers many other features, such as web content restriction, location tracking, geofencing alerts, and more. The best part is that the app operates in stealth mode, so your child won’t even realize you’re aware of whom they’re texting.

iPhone’s Built-in Features

How to see my child’s text messages on iPhone using built-in features? There are two possible ways to do this, so let’s explore how to use them.

iCloud Backup

There’s a good chance the kid’s iPhone is linked to an iCloud account. If that’s the case, it’s possible to turn on automatic text message backups. With this, any time they send or receive a text, it gets backed up to the cloud.

How to get child’s text messages on iPhone? Now that you know how, there’s no need to wonder. Log in to the iCloud account using an iPhone or computer, and you’ll find everything in the backups.

iMessage Forwarding

Accessing your child’s text messages through the other method is quite simple. It involves tweaking some settings, and that’s it.

Follow these steps to set everything up quickly.

  1. Go to Settings > Messages > Send & Receive. Here, you can check the Apple ID they use on their phone.
  2. All you need to do is sign in with the same Apple ID on your iPhone, and you’re good to go. Now, you can access the conversation, see who they’re texting, and hear what they’re talking about.


Do I Need a Jailbroken Phone to Use Parentaler?

No, you don’t need to worry about jailbreaking your or your child’s iPhone. Parentaler features an easy installation process that takes minutes.

How to See My Child’s Text Messages on iPhone in Real-Time?

You can use the iMessage forwarding option to receive texts on your iPhone. If you would rather not use this or you use an Android phone, you can easily do the same thing using a third-party app like Parentaler.

Final Thoughts

Now that you’ve learned how to see my child’s text messages on iPhone, you can better monitor their online activities and ensure their safety. Protecting your child is your paramount duty as a parent, so don’t let anyone or anything compromise their safety. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and take proactive steps to safeguard their physical and digital well-being, utilizing tools like Parentaler to assist you in monitoring their online activities.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
