To My Baby Girl Who Has Started Nursery

With all the hustle and excitement of the gremlin starting school, I almost forgot about my little baby girl. My almost 1 year old, who started nursery last week.

It’s hard to believe when you are in throes of the newborn stage that the time will pass and you maybe soon back at work. I have been off work for a year now and did decide to put Piglet in for a few weeks before I was back. Let her settle and give that old immune system a good challenge.

I think because little Piglet has slotted into our family so easily and went off to her nursery settling in sessions without a peep, I haven’t worried too much about her really. I guess with number 2, you are more chilled unless they get upset a lot.

So I may not feel too soppy about my second girly going off to nursery but this is for her.

Little Baby,

From the moment I caught you in the birth pool it was complete love at first sight. I still remember those happy tears when I first cuddled you. I remember being so elated I had you in the morning, as I could stay in hospital for a bit and cuddle you lots before your baby sister came to meet you. I wanted to make the most of all those early moments.

You came home and just became part of the family. I was so much more relaxed and more lazy. I let you feed to sleep with me in bed and you were such a good feeder, I actually got some sleep and some time during the daytime. It was lovely to not bother going out when we had time just the two of us. No pressure, just us, lots of cuddles and Grey’s Anatomy. I will treasure those sleepy moments.

I didn’t want to let you out of our room this time and although it was before 6 months, it was later than I had planned. I loved waking up, seeing you all cute in your basket.

You started eating before 6 months and I thought you weren’t into your food as much as your sister was. How wrong was I??? We have been very relaxed and let you have what we have from quite early on. I have never known a child love their food so much and FRUIT, so much FRUIT!! Now you can point and signal and shriek. Man, you can shriek! We know exactly when you want food and quite often what you want. I think you would graze all day if I let you. It’s odd as you are so titchy but you are not fussed about milk really.

We spent lovely shared moments with you breastfeeding. I loved your content little face, your excited breaths and the noise as you latched on. You fed for longer than expected but the stopping was quite easy at 11 months. No fuss or crying and I’m so pleased about this.

You are such a Mummy’s girl, so cuddly and smiley. I adore the way you lift your hands up to be picked up but perhaps not the way you squeal and follow me when I leave the room. Your sense of humour is developing all the time. You love to wind me up by throwing nappies around, waiting for a reaction and somehow you find farting hilarious. I’m blaming Daddy for that one.

You are obsessed with phones, mugs, food, plates; anything you probably shouldn’t have.

You adore your sister and she makes you laugh like no one else. Although she frustrates you more than anyone else, the love it so strong and you follow her, copy her and want everything she has. It is lovely watching the relationship blossom and I do hope you will be the best of mates.

Little Piglet you have been a complete joy to have around for the last year. Although I have perforated ear drums from your shrieks when you want something or are annoyed (you are going to have to learn), I have loved you slotting into our family, being easy and just you. You are funny, loving, giddy and a complete character. I have a feeling the next 12 months is not going to be so easy but nursery will be handling some of that!

I hope you enjoy nursery as much as your elder sister. I’m sad to see you go but think you will thrive and be ok. Playtime, food and sleep?

What more do you want?

Love Mummy x




  1. Emily
    September 15, 2017 / 10:24 am

    Aw, she’s so cute! I hope she settles into nursery and enjoys it! Thanks for joining #ThatFridayLinky

  2. September 15, 2017 / 10:39 am

    Aww how lovely! I’m sure she will have a great time at nursery! My 4yr old has just started school this week and I’m totally lost without her but she’s been having a great time and I have no doubt she will continue to love it there. Sometimes its hard to let go but it does them (and us!) good πŸ™‚


  3. September 15, 2017 / 10:59 am

    Very well put. It’s a new way of life, again. My first started nursery this week at 3,her younger sister, 2, cried more as at we left her sister. Let’s hope that enthusiasm for school continues until next year!

    • RunJumpScrap
      September 18, 2017 / 2:55 pm

      Me too with the food πŸ™‚ Aww bless your younger one xx

  4. Nige
    September 17, 2017 / 8:00 pm

    What a cutie pie I’m sure she will be absolutely fine, lovely photos Thank you for linking to #ThatFridayLinky Please come back next week