The Best Things About my Eldest Starting School

The Best Things About my Eldest Starting School

The gremlin has been in reception for going on a whole term now, which is truly insane. I have learnt lots being a school Mum and have also bitched about how much I have to remember but all in all it has been a good experience. Her starting school has been ok.

I was a little worried about my eldest starting school as basically she is so young. I read social media threads where some parents were adamant their August child would be held back a year; some teachers even commented they would plan when their children were conceived, so they were not summer babies!! Not the thing you want to read when your very late August child is starting school in a week!

However, we totally made the right decision sending her and their have some real positives for her and us all with her starting school.

This is what I mean:

– She has made some lovely new friends. I always knew the gremlin wouldn’t have any trouble making some new buddies. She is quiet and a little shy around the adults but tends to settle in quick with the small people. I love seeing them play together.

– She can read! She went to school knowing her letters and a some phonics and 3 months later is bringing books home and reading to me. It’s amazing and I’m so proud of her.

– I have met a group of lovely Mums and Dads. There is always that cliche of being a “school mum” but I have actually enjoyed meeting new people; both the Mums and Dads. Helping the social life out for sure!

– The school have an online system and app for seeing how she is getting on via photos and videos and in turn we can post stuff about what she is doing at home. For a social media addicted blogger like me, it’s like school Facebook and I LOVE posting stuff and noseying at what is going on. Proper Mum Geek.

– We are learning again and seeing the world through a 4 year old’s eyes. I love listening to what she has learnt and doing the bits of homework she has to do. It’s like me being at school again.

– We love the school run. Some parents say they can’t stand it but hubby and I really love picking her up; seeing her little face and attempting to find out what she has done in the day. I’m jealous hubby does it 3 times a week, as I am back at work now.

– Despite the amount of stuff I have to send in and amount we have spent (!) the school events are quite fun; Christmas fayre and school play. Best get the tissues out!

the best things about my eldest starting school

I definitely think the eldest has needed me a lot more since school; it’s been a transition, especially with me being back to work 6 weeks in. You have to make more time to read together, chat and generally just be together which I am enjoying. She’s become a lot more loving, a lot more of a pain sometimes (!) and I can see her growing all the time.

It’s been a new chapter and I’m keen to see how it will go as she continues her little journey in reception.



  1. December 11, 2017 / 9:08 am

    awww, what a lovely read. Sound’s like she’s doing fab at school, must be a relief. Jack starts Pre-school in April and I’m already getting anxious about it x

    • RunJumpScrap
      December 12, 2017 / 8:29 pm

      Thanks lovely. Aw sure he will be amazing x

  2. December 13, 2017 / 8:23 am

    I’m so glad shes settled in so well. She always looks so happy…and cheeky! Thanks for hosting #bloggersbest

  3. December 13, 2017 / 8:40 am

    Aww, it sounds like she’s doing really well and is really enjoying school 🙂 #bloggersbest

  4. December 13, 2017 / 10:21 am

    What a lovely post! I teach and I always say to parents of August babies, don’t worry! Whilst some do struggle, some do not and it really is dependent upon each child. In fact, some September babies struggle so it really is all about the individual. I’m so glad she is enjoying school! That’s the main thing tbh. If a child is happy in school, they will learn. Long may it continue! I loved/ still love being part of a school community. It’s a great place to meet new people. Have fun during the past week of term! I expect there’s a lot going on! #bloggersbest

  5. December 13, 2017 / 3:28 pm

    Wow, it sounds like she’s really thriving. Each child is so different and even though she’s a late August baby it sounds like she was so ready to start. That’s truly incredible that she’s already reading!! Well done Gremlin!! We’re looking at schools at them oment and really struggling to make a decision. #bloggersbest

  6. December 13, 2017 / 6:36 pm

    Pleased to hear it is going so well for you as a family. Sadly we had to take our daughter out of school and now home-educate but I am not anti-school at all and love hearing good news like yours. #BloggersBest

  7. December 13, 2017 / 10:01 pm

    It’s lovely to read something so positive about that first term in school. Enjoy your Christmas break #bloggersbest

  8. December 15, 2017 / 3:40 am

    Awww, so glad she did well! My niece is struggling pretty hard in her first year of school, she stayed home with her mom and almost no socialization with other kids so it’s been a transition. #BloggersBest

  9. December 15, 2017 / 4:37 pm

    This is so sweet! Glad she’s doing well, sounds like a smart cookie! Can’t wait for mine to jump in there!

  10. December 19, 2017 / 2:26 pm

    My oldest is an August baby so had only just turned four when she started school – she also thrived and has never looked back #bloggersbest

  11. Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
    December 19, 2017 / 5:06 pm

    I have a September baby and she was more than ready to start school this year, all her friends went up last year :(, glad your daughter is doing so well #bloggersbest