My beautiful little Piglet, my second born is three today! Three. My complete and utter favourite age, though some of you may not agree if you have a threenager!
This post is for her.
To my little girl, my easiest and most chilled out little baby, you have definitely made up for this with your strops and tantrums over the last year! We have had some fun with you. So fiercely independent; I don’t even bother trying to lift you into the bath or take off your socks, as I know you will want to do this yourself!
You were my easiest birth and possibly my most favourite labour, if there is such a thing. Short and sweet; seven hours and you were born. Instead of having the numbness I felt when your elder sister was born, I loved you so much immediately. That has never changed.
I just felt at home with you immediately. You breastfed like a dream. You slept pretty well, pretty quickly and were fabulous at self-settling. Sucking your lip and flicking your ear always gets you to sleep, even now.
You are a brilliant little eater and love you food; lots of fruit and vegetables much to my delight. It’s always a pleasure to take you out or make you something, as usually it’s polished off pretty well!
Of course we have had challenges with you. As mentioned you are a little stropper and I was introduced to tantrums with you, as the gremlin was pretty good. I don’t dare put your shoes on for you, give you the wrong bowl, get you out and in of the car, as life really isn’t worth living! But you get over it fast. A small time out and you’re back and raring to go, which makes my life lot easier!
You have hit that fun age where you never stop talking and demand our attention all the time; constantly wanting to be played with or spend the whole time following us around. This is lovely and exhausting in equal measures. My Mondays and Wednesdays are crazy with you and your little brother, who you love and torment most of the time.
You have a wicked little laugh, a crazy sense of humour and are completed besotted with your Nanny. I never get a look in when she is around but you always come back when she is gone.
You are already so far ahead of your sister at her age. Scooting, cycling with stabilisers, counting and basically wanting to do everything she can. You are determined and clever and oh so TIDY! I love this about you. I can’t wait to get you started with swimming, as you are keen to be like your big sister and start learning.
I can’t believe you are three. I worried about you being the middle child; not my first and not my baby but we love you so much little girl. No one can ever forget about you, as your personality is such fun and I know we will be having lots of laughs as you get older.
Happy Birthday darling!
Love you loads!
Aww! Happy birthday to your girl. I hope she had a fab day! Three is a fab age. I loved it with my two! x