Thrilling Outdoor Activities That Won’t Even Feel Like a Workout

Thrilling Outdoor Activities That Won’t Even Feel Like a Workout

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

As a parent you always want to set a good example for your kids. You want them to be active, energised and passionate about their health. You have to admit, sometimes you don’t feel like heading to the gym for your workout; somedays you just want to lay on the sofa and eat cookies. Although this is completely normal, there are a number of activities you can do that really don’t feel like a workout at all. Consider some of the following ideas and you will want to move your body every single day, even when you don’t feel like it.

Surfing The Waves

This is the perfect activity to enjoy next time you head to the beach on holiday. Although surfing might not be the most accessible activity to everybody all year round, it is certainly something you should try. You don’t have to visit somewhere hot to enjoy riding a wave. As long as you invest in the best accessories for a winter surf, you will feel well equipped to give it a go. If you’re looking for a place in the UK to try surfing, then Cornwall is definitely a great place to start.

Outdoor Yoga

There are plenty of outdoor yoga classes that will instantly give you a new lease of life. There are even yoga classes that you can carry out with your children or your dog! This type of super fun and energising activity will help you to gain strength, flexibility and muscle tone over time.

Walking the Dog

Now this is the ideal outdoor activity to undertake every single day. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you can’t carry out an extreme sport or workout at the gym every day; walking the dog is an outdoor activity that will work wonders for your body. Having fun with your loyal furry friend outside won’t feel like a workout at all either!


Tennis is one of those underestimated activities that most people need to try out. Once you hone in on your technique and find your flow, you will find this sport so much fun. Find a terrific tennis buddy and hit the court as soon as you can!

Beach Volleyball

Even if you don’t really know the rules of beach volleyball it’s still a lot of fun to play. This is one of those exciting activities that is perfect to enjoy on a vacation. All you need to do is get a team together, grab a ball and set yourself up for a thrilling game on the sand.

Some of these activities are amazing for when you go on holiday and others are perfect for everyday at home. No matter what situation you are in, you can make a huge difference to your health simply by moving your body as often as possible. These healthy habits will soon rub off onto your kids too, so that they grow up to be energised and active adults in the future too.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
