How to Get Healthy Hair

How to Get Healthy Hair

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

If that has been one trend that we can all get behind, it’s the emergence of women rocking healthy, natural hair. It’s lovely to have extensions and to do new things with your hair, but being able to maximize your healthy hair is going to help you to feel better about yourself and look beautiful.

Somewhere along the line, many people have become more preoccupied with the length of their hair rather than their health. We’re doing everything that we can to get the longest luscious locks possible, but we’re not doing enough to keep those locks healthy when we get them.

You may have seen the trend on how to get fluffy hair, And that 90s looked really is coming back.It’s just so important that you understand that no matter whether you’re rocking 3B curly hair, straightened hair, or you’re looking at a fluffy hair, you need to do all that you can to keep your hair as healthy as possible. For that to be the case, let’s take a look at some of the tips that you need to have the healthiest possible hair.

  1. Feed it. If you want your hair to be healthy, then you have to feed it good food. Healthy hair starts from within, but you don’t have to become a vegan for it to be healthy. As long as you have a diet that is rich with fruit and vegetables and you’re drinking plenty of water, you’re going to have hair that shines. You also want to make sure that you’re maximizing your protein, because your hair is made with proteins. A healthy scalp is always going to be healthier when you are hydrated.
  2. Make sure that you’re taking your vitamins. Hair vitamins actually do work, but only if you take them. Keeping your hair healthier is easier when you are using a vitamin supplement that can strengthen your hair health. If your hair’s not getting longer, it may be lacking in essential vitamins and healthy fats in your diet. With a daily vitamin supplement like Keravita Pro, you can help fill in any nutrient gaps and promote healthier hair growth. This kind of supplement is designed to support hair health from the inside out, nourishing your hair follicles and improving overall hair vitality.
  3. Step away from the straighteners. You may love to straighten your hair before work or before an event, but too much of a good thing can actually be quite bad for you. When it comes to creating healthy hair, you want to make sure that you’re using heat protectants if you’re using dryers, but stay away from straighteners and curling irons that can make your hair feel very unhealthy and dry. If you want to have a healthy scalp and get rid of split ends or dry hair, using heat tools sparingly is a good idea. With too much heat you can end up damaging your hair and eventually it won’t revert back to that natural state. Not too much, or the improper use of heat can also lead your hair to feel dry, brittle, and break easily. That’s going to happen no matter your hair type, so it’s possibly better for you to just stay away from it altogether.
  4. Make sure that you are cleansing your scalp. You need to have a clean, healthy environment from which your hair should grow. A dirty scalp that is packed with buildup can clog the pores and follicles. This then slows down that healthy hair and dirty hair is just not as sanitary as you’d hope it would be. How often you wash your hair is completely up to you, and it really does depend on your daily routine and what’s going on in your life. Often you need to have the time to be able to wash your hair properly, and that means literally taking the time in the day to be able to wash it, dry it, and get it styled the way that you want it to look.
  5. Always use your fingertips when you are cleansing. Depending on the way that your scalp feels when it comes down to washing day, a good scratch could feel really good, but it’s a better idea just to use the pads of your fingers and not your nails. The fingernails can cut your scalp and leave cuts along it, which is only going to be painful and sore. You just need a little bit of pressure as well as a thorough cleanse for it to feel good.
  6. Be shampoo smart. Choosing hair care products with hyaluronic acid or choosing sulfate free shampoos is a great way to make sure that your scalp is going to be healthy. Reaching for the right moisturizing shampoos and conditioners will keep your hair looking and feeling soft and beautiful. You also want to look at shampoos that can help to prevent hair breakage, and sulfate free shampoo can do that. You’ll also be able to attain longer hair for longer.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
