So it’s finally time for me to reveal to all what our little piglet is. The gender reveal!

I’ve done a verrrrryyy short vlog (my first ever!) to do the big reveal. Short and sweet with a bit of help from the gremlin.

Happy Noseying!!



  1. May 30, 2016 / 7:21 am

    Awwwww yey, glad the cat out the bag, phew! I think gremlin is going to make a perfect big sis. Lots of love XX #marvmondays

  2. May 30, 2016 / 7:22 am

    Ah congratulations! I have two girls and I love it, I really wanted my eldest daughter to have a sister. x #MarvMondays

  3. May 30, 2016 / 7:23 am

    Aww this was so sweet! Congratulations! Xx

  4. Lisa ( mummascribbles)
    May 30, 2016 / 7:29 am

    Yayyyyyyyyy- congratulations lovely! Two little pink gremlins xxx

  5. Emily
    May 30, 2016 / 7:39 am

    Congratulations!!! I bet gremlin will make a fab big sister!

  6. Something Crunchy Mummy
    May 30, 2016 / 7:43 am

    Aw wow yey! Congratulations that’s amazing xx

  7. Sam Kersley
    May 30, 2016 / 7:46 am

    Aw yay. Two girls they’ll be the best of friends growing up.
    And of course the gremlin was so cute as your assistant xx congratulations xx

  8. May 30, 2016 / 8:37 am

    Oh that’s brilliant news I’m so happy for you Sarah! I can’t wait to see all the gorgeous girly bits you’ll be getting her x #marvmondays

  9. May 30, 2016 / 10:26 am

    Awww congrats lovely! Have been so looking forward to finding out what you guys are having. Such a lovely little video and first vlog. Having two girls will be lovely, I would have loved another one πŸ™‚ Emily #MarvMondays

  10. May 30, 2016 / 1:29 pm

    Awww congratulations and you are so great in front of a camera…you should do more vlogging!

  11. May 30, 2016 / 1:35 pm

    Aw, congratulations! A little girl, how lovely. #fartglitter

  12. May 30, 2016 / 1:55 pm

    Congratulations πŸ™‚ Such a sweet video, a really good choice for your first vlog

  13. May 30, 2016 / 2:49 pm

    Wahoo! A wonderful result and a great way to announce it on a lovely vlog, lucky Gremlin! #MarvMondays

  14. May 30, 2016 / 3:35 pm

    Aw I was so incredibly excited to watch this and find out your wonderful news!! The suspense has been killing me since your teeny munchkin played hard to get at the 20 week stage. Congratulations lovely. Amazing xx

    Thanks for linking up your big announcement with #fartglitter x

    • June 1, 2016 / 3:31 pm

      Me again! Still so very excited for you lovely! Back through #bestandworst – Thanks for hosting :0) xx

  15. May 30, 2016 / 4:14 pm

    Congratulations Sarah! This is such a lovely vlog – I love Gremlin’s big reveal at the end, she will make a great big sister. Well done! #fartglitter x

  16. Hannah Budding Smiles
    May 30, 2016 / 4:21 pm

    Aw how lovely, congratulations! Gremlin will love being a big sister, I’m sure!xx

  17. Nige
    May 30, 2016 / 5:39 pm

    Congrats Sarah and have to say how so very natural you are in front of camera wish I could but I really hate my welsh accent great vlog #fartglitter

  18. May 30, 2016 / 6:42 pm

    Ah congrats! Lovely news! Thanks for sharing with #fartglitter πŸ™‚

  19. May 31, 2016 / 9:50 am

    Congratulations πŸ™‚ Exciting! Love your little vlog x

  20. May 31, 2016 / 7:12 pm

    Aw congrats on having another girl! Very excited for you : ) : ) p.s. love the video, you look beautiful

  21. May 31, 2016 / 10:22 pm

    Congratulations!! Girls rock!! So exciting. All the best with the rest of the pregnancy. xx

    • June 1, 2016 / 9:42 am

      Returning as part of #bestandworst

  22. Emily
    June 1, 2016 / 7:41 am

    Congratulations! Fab video #bestandworst xx

  23. June 1, 2016 / 8:44 am

    Awww congratulations! And well done on your first vlog!! Two little girls to get up to mischief πŸ˜€ X

  24. June 1, 2016 / 9:06 am

    Awww congratulations!!! Two girls is amazing, the bond between my two is indescribable, there is something so special about having a sister!! #bestandworst

  25. Nat Halfpenny
    June 1, 2016 / 9:18 am

    Congratulations! What a gorgeous video, your hair is uh-may-zing!

  26. June 1, 2016 / 10:28 am

    Congratulations! πŸ™‚ Two lovely girls πŸ™‚

  27. June 1, 2016 / 11:06 am

    Congratulations! And well done on the vlog. I’ve just done my first as well. And the Gremlin is super cute, I love how natural kids are on camera. #bestandworst

  28. Briony
    June 1, 2016 / 11:59 am

    Brilliant news, congratulations. What a lovely first vlog. #bestandworst

  29. Briony
    June 1, 2016 / 11:59 am

    Brilliant news, congratulations. What a lovely first vlog. #bestandworst

  30. Hannah
    June 1, 2016 / 1:20 pm

    Congratulations! We’re also having a little girl – our first girl!, I’m nearing 21 weeks. hope your pregnancy is going well!

    Congrats again


  31. Hannah
    June 1, 2016 / 1:20 pm

    Congratulations! We’re also having a little girl – our first girl!, I’m nearing 21 weeks. hope your pregnancy is going well!

    Congrats again


  32. June 1, 2016 / 1:46 pm

    Yippee two girlies!! Congratulations lovely lady! xx

    PS I’m glad everyone else has been buying bits for her, I find I’m terrible at just giving my youngest all hand me down clothes!x

  33. June 1, 2016 / 6:11 pm

    Congrats Sarah! All the best for a healthy pregnancy and birth
    x Alice

  34. Unhinged Mummy (aka Janine Woods)
    June 1, 2016 / 7:00 pm

    Congratulations on another lovely little girl. From reading your posts and seeing you vlog I think your little gremlin will be a fantastic big sister to her little sister πŸ™‚


  35. June 1, 2016 / 8:57 pm

    Congratulations. Admittedly I nearly missed the whole reveal as I was admiring your hair and nosing around your garden in the back ground. Loving the vlog too. As always, thanks for the invite for #bestandworst

    Renee @peonieandme

  36. June 1, 2016 / 9:33 pm

    Just popping back from #bestandworst congratulations again hun! x

  37. Jaki
    June 1, 2016 / 11:01 pm

    Ahhh huge congrats! I love how your little one is so excited too! Hope your pregnancy is going well and you’re feeling great. The dreaded third trimester will be here soon, so enjoy the energy! πŸ™‚ #bestandworst PS. thanks for hosting a great linky πŸ™‚

  38. June 2, 2016 / 11:43 am

    Congratulations!! Such a sweet video! So lovely to see you and your gorgeous little Gremlin πŸ™‚
    Must have been a bit frustrating having to wait for confirmation at 22 weeks but hope you can relax now and start getting excited! #bestandworst PS. Happy Blog birthday X

  39. June 2, 2016 / 4:46 pm

    Oh many congratulations!Such a lovely way to share your news. I don’t know how anyone waits to find out – I’m too impatient!! #BestandWorst (definitely a BEST!!)

  40. Rach
    June 2, 2016 / 8:42 pm

    Ah lovely, I’m so pleased for you. 2 girls how lovely!!! Congratulations again to you all xx #bestandworst

  41. June 3, 2016 / 4:20 pm

    Awww so that’s what you and your family sound like. I hope it continues to go well for you. You are the first person I’ve heard this year that’s expecting a girl. #bestandworst

  42. June 4, 2016 / 6:02 pm

    OMG, I can not believe that I have only just seen this. You really should Vlog more! And I LOVE your garden. But I am thrilled with your news. That is wonderful – a little girl. Congratulations lovely. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  43. June 4, 2016 / 10:40 pm

    Aw congratulations! I would love to have two girls – I have a sister myself and love how close we are, despite all of the teenage arguments! Bestandworst xx

  44. June 5, 2016 / 7:27 am

    Aww, congratulations on Gremlin’s little sister πŸ˜€ And well done on your first vlog too X #bestandworst

  45. June 5, 2016 / 8:47 am

    I love your garden – it looks amazing! And congratulations! #marvmondays

  46. June 5, 2016 / 8:42 pm

    Eek how did I miss this?! Congrats lovely xxx

  47. June 8, 2016 / 12:27 am

    Aww congratulations! I love my two girls! Plus you get to use the clothes again with two of the same! #bestandworst

  48. Katie Haydock
    June 23, 2016 / 6:19 pm

    Awwww lovely news and great little vid xXx