Holidays When Pregnant – the Pros and Cons

holidays when pregnant

So we have just got back from a fab time in Rhodes, Greece. Apart from the slight issue my eldest having chicken pox, it was a brilliant holiday and babymoon. I will do a round up post but I want to steal all my hubby’s pics and this may take 10 years for him to sort them!! It was my second time on holidays when pregnant.

We were gone 11 nights and the time just flew. I have come back feeling chilled, ready for my final weeks at work and with a love for the Greek sunshine (as it has rained the whole time apparently in the UK)!

We are not really a family who holiday in the UK. This may change with two littlies, but I’m thinking unlikely. I think by the time you often price it up, throw in the likelihood of rain and no change in culture; abroad always wins.

Obviously I have been pregnant this time around and there are obvious highs and lows to this. We always go away with my parents which is a massive help, makes life easier and gives us all a rest.

But what are the pros and cons of holidays when pregnant.


Holidays when Pregnant – The Pros

– No hangovers. I’m tee total (apart from a few sips of my mum’s wine!) so most mornings i was waking up fresh and raring to go. My eldest slept until 8.30am Rhodes time and by the time she woke I had often had a half an hour swim in the outdoor pool or a gym sesh.

– You do feel special. In Greece, I had lots of comments, good wishes and pretty much everyone asking me if I was expecting a boy! My shape once again!

– You have a good excuse to do bugger all. My family really looked after me but saying that, I played lots with my eldest in the pool and parks and took her about. Carrying her and lifting her all over was forbidden though and I never once had a sodding nap.

– Lying around all day half dressed and being able to cool off with a swim when I felt like it! It was flipping hot in Rhodes. Over 30 degrees most days. At work in trousers and a tunic, I would have sweltered. I’m a sweaty person!!  In fact I had already been sweltering in the UK at 20 degrees plus. However, I couldn’t care less abroad. Bikini on and laze!

– The food!! I ate a lot but I ate well. Everything. Oily fish, chicken, beef, pork, eggs, yoghurt, a tonne of fruit and veg and my faves – pizza, breads, fried breakfasts, nuts and a variety of mousses! I filled my boots as we were all inclusive.

The Cons

There are always going to be the downsides to going on hols pregnant and here we go:

– No alcohol. Ok I felt amazing but a glass of wine with my dinner or a cocktail on my date night with hubby would have gone down a treat.


– Fashion. I missed my short tops and dresses that I wore last year and had to be inventive with some lovely primark stretchy dresses. I was loathed to spend a lot on maternity clothes just for a holiday.

– You are restricted on trips and activities. Ok, this is part and parcel of being preggers and I was prepared after my previous pregnant trip. If you love your water sports or adventures…it won’t be the same.

– The risk. There’s always that niggly feeling what if? What if I’m ill? Best not pick any shellfish or rice left out for ages. Is that cooked properly? What if the baby comes?! I had a few hours when she wasn’t moving and was worried but all kicked off later. It’s always going to be a worry so you have to weigh it up. For us, we weren’t in the UK and a car drive away from home.

That was it really! The heat could have been a downer but I coped ok. I had to really limit the exercise to 30 mins as the gym had no air con. I soon switched too early swimming when my eldest slept.

Having the grandparents on hand with the eldest really helped as hubby and I got more chances to chill but I would really recommend holidaying when pregnant if you can. If you are well, feel well and can manage it go!!

Ours was a blast!

holidays when pregnant



  1. June 24, 2016 / 8:18 am

    Sounds & looks amazing. I love travelling abroad & just been to Lanzarote getting v expensive now though as kids 5 & 9 & school holiday prices ridiculous. #binkylinky lifeinthemumslane

  2. June 24, 2016 / 9:50 am

    It is a catch 22 isn’t it. You certainly get the rest and relaxation and the lack of a groggy head in the morning but then you miss what caused the groggy head in the first place! We went to Barcelona when Nat was pregnant this time around and we found a city break to be a little more challenging because of the walking. However it didn’t stop her going to a music festival at 34 weeks pregnant a couple of months later.
    Potty Adventures

  3. June 24, 2016 / 4:15 pm

    looks like a great time Sarah. Awesome that you guys were able to get away for a bit before the new arrival #binkylinky

  4. Mummyitsok
    June 27, 2016 / 7:31 am

    You look amazing in the bikini! Love how you are proud to show off your pregnancy body #marvmondays

  5. June 27, 2016 / 9:05 am

    It looks like you had a lovely holiday, just what you needed before bambino number two arrives. I’m totally with you on the holidays abroad. The UK is just too unpredictable with weather! Thanks for linking up to #marvmondays

  6. Charlie @
    June 27, 2016 / 4:50 pm

    You have such a lovely bump! (Hope that’s not a weird thing to say!) I didn’t get to fly when pregnant, we had to cancel our holiday due to a low lying placenta annoyingly, and we’re yet to go abroad with our toddler. We’re taking him on our Italian honeymoon this summer. I can’t wait but I am a bit nervous. Love the idea of taking parents away too – it all helps to lighten the load! Charlie x #marvmondays

  7. June 27, 2016 / 7:40 pm

    You look fab in that bikini! We haven’t had our first abroad holiday with Alfie yet, but plan to go next year when I may or may not be pregnant, which could be interesting!! Looks like you had a fab time though #marvmondays

  8. June 27, 2016 / 10:04 pm

    The best bits sounds lovely. I really regret not having a babymoon and I’m not really sure why we didn’t. I think bumps in bikinis are beautiful and even though you couldn’t sip a cocktail, you can’t turn down that sun! x #marvmondays

  9. Emily
    June 30, 2016 / 3:38 pm

    I hope you had a good holiday. I agree with the other comments, you look fab in a bikini! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky Sorry the comment is late – we’ve just returned from holiday!