I’m not a super mum. Nope. Negative. No.
Why would I even think this? The lovely Peonie and Me replied to one of my comments on her blog calling me just that! A few people have commented about me popping back into shape so soon after having Piglet and how amazing it is. It’s lovely to hear but I had to stop and think. Do I come across like this on social media? I tend to blog about everything; good and bad with my kids but I guess a lot of my pictures are quite cute and positive. This may be me. I hate being negative. I don’t like to moan over social media (I just do that to my poor hubby and Mum). I want to come across as positive and happy, so yes unrealistic sometimes. No one is happy all the time.
I’ve read a few posts on the unrealistic nature of social media; it hides the crap (the literal crap! However, I did post a baby poop picture today) and makes out being a parent is the most perfect, amazing time of your life. It’s sugar coated, vomit inducing and totally unrealistic. I sometimes fit into this category; I mean who can resist posting a picture of their gorgeous newborn?? You don’t post a picture of the bags under your eyes, or your swollen boobs or you bulging pants with a fat maternity pad in it do you?! Nope, no one wants to really see that.
However, a few cute pics on Insta doesn’t make me a super Mum. I didn’t want to write a post listing all the reasons why this is nonsense (I don’t want social services getting called for the time I let Piglet’s mouth and nose go under water in the bath when the gremlin distracted me – TRUE STORY!). So, I won’t, However, I thought I would let you know some of the reasons why the super mum persona may come across…
- My newborn currently sleeps at night. I am under no illusions that this may last, she is a baby. They change more often than I change my knickers but I am making the most of this phase. The last few nights she has done 7-8 hr stretches. Some may class that as sleeping through at 8 weeks. I’m not labelling it. Bottom line. We can all function. I can exercise. I don’t have that nagging fatigue that causes everything my gremlin does to make me want to scream at her. With sleep you can cope with anything, so this is how it may come across.
- My newborn takes a bottle of expressed milk. This equals leaving the house and alcohol. Enough said.
- I have a husband who works from home. Until you have this, you will never understand how awesome it is. He starts at 9 am so I can fit a gym trip in. He doesn’t have a commute at the end of the day so is home to share the bath time and bed time routine. If I’m unwell he can still work a bit but look after the little ones. Just having that presence in the house is very reassuring, especially if something went wrong. It makes a massive difference!
- My husband cooks the tea. Again, do I really need to say more? This gives me extra time to blog for 30 minutes or catch up with the washing or do something that needs doing.
- Popping back into shape? Good genes. I exercised all the way through so the muscles were ready to sort themselves out afterwards. Healthy eating (it’s my job after all) and breastfeeding. This all helps. Also please see all points above; all equate to more time and motivation to exercise!!
- My Mum and step-Dad live 30 minutes away and will babysit at the drop of a hat (if they are free). Having this support on the days my gremlin isn’t at nursery or for a date night is brilliant. Never under estimate how much a night off can refresh you. I’m very lucky here, as know many people who don’t have it and they notice!!
Super Mum, no. Lots of help and support yes!!
It makes so much of a difference and without it, I wouldn’t be the Mum I am.
I think all moms are super moms! #TwinklyTuesday
We are all super in our own way, however i have had people say this of me often just because they hear that i have 5 children…I am not super just because i have a certain number of kids, I am though super for keeping them all alive. I am just a mom, trying to much through this whole parenting thing… #TwinklyTuesday
Help and support make such a huge difference as does getting a good amount of sleep. I don’t think you sugar-coat parenting – I love the fact you tend to focus on the positives but still tell it like it is. I am impressed by how quickly your body has bounced back though – I’m still waiting for it to happen here (mind you, lack of trips to the gym may be a factor!) How lovely to have all that support though – I am slightly envious I have to admit!
You are so lucky to have your family living close by and a husband who works from home! I think we are all super mums in our own way.xx #twinklyTuesday
You have so much support! How wonderful to have that. Having a partner at home would be wonderful. Congratulations on your babe! #twinklytuesday
But a super mom you are!:) We all are, it’s a word that just goes along with the word mom. Support or no support.:) husband working from home – perfect! No breastfeeding – great!;) Sleeping trough the night – priceless:) Babysitting – excelent! Shaping up – the best!!
Ah, so much to say lovely!!! For a start, I completely get where you’re coming from. My mum took my one of my girls to their swimming lesson last week to give me a break (leaving me with just the two!) and got talking to another lady who said ‘ah, I’ve just made the connection, you’re supermum’s mum!’. Instead of being flattered I cringed! Because she must think being mad enough to juggle three in a boiling hot building makes you supermum, and also because I don’t feel at all like Im doing anything more than surviving half the time! I think people possibly see your ‘supermum’ powers with your beautiful gym posts, and only because we’re in awe of how motivated you are and how bloomin’ amazing you’re looking! Thinking about what you’ve written though, maybe supermum doesnt have to mean we’ve got it all together? Maybe we can be supermums AND wing it? Because its not the shiny instagram feeds that do it, its being real, being ok with winging it and giving it all you’ve got. So I still you declare you to be a supermum me love and be proud of it x
What a great post Sarah, it’s nice to have a little insight. You definitely look amazing already which I know is because health and fitness is so important to you. It sounds like you have some great support and your hubbie sounds like a gem! xx
Ahhh lovely post hun and you a super mum…..see what I did there eh!! Lots of love my dear XX
You are indeed a super mum! I just about shower everyday let alone get to the gym etc haha! ox
Love this post! I am slightly envious of the working from home husband…the other half has worked from home a little bit recently and it has been so nice having him here for those extra 2 hours that he is normally commuting! I still haven’t quite worked out where exercise can fit into my day but hopefully I’ll work it out soon…especially as Zach keeps asking why I still have a fat tummy!! Thanks for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday
You’ve hit the nail on the head – with the right support we can do anything! #twinklytuesday