My beautiful little Pee Wee is 2 months old. It is hard to describe how much I love this little munch but she has definitely been an amazing addition to our family. It can be really hard work with 2 little ones but I wouldn’t change it.
We had the 8 week jabs last week. I was AMAZED. She was such a star. The gremlin’s squealing and crying were heartbreaking and I cried too. The gremlin also cried all afternoon later on which was hard work, as she had never been so upset in her life. Piglet cried, don’t get me wrong but she settled so quickly with the sound of my voice. As she was half asleep she hardly made a sound for the first injection. I had also heard bad things about the fever that can accompany the Men B jab but we had nothing. Calpol is awesome stuff; she slept a lot but was absolutely fine. Massive relief.
So how is she doing in general?
Piglet continues to be exclusively breastfed. Like her sister there is no routine. She doesn’t feed at certain time intervals, just when she feels like it. I guess if she has been a bit snotty or having a grow this may ramp up but not unmanageable. I’m still enjoying it and will keep going for a while yet. At the moment Piglet still takes a bottle of expressed milk. I’m wondering if this will last as seems to only take it if she is really hungry. I’ve been known to come back from the gym with hubby in mid-feed for her to stop after 2oz. As soon as I have her for a snuggle the little piggy is rooting for boob, so will keep going after all!
She is more sick than her sister in terms of volume. The gremlin used to bring back a bit after every feed. Piglet, not so much but now and then, she projectiles tonnes! Usually on me. In bed. Nice!!
I hardly want to write this as I am likely to jinx it all but Piglet is sleeping. Sleeping WELL. She tends to go off quite late; anything from 9.30-11pm but will sleep through until morning. Anything between 7-9 hours. This is AMAZING. In fact the gremlin wakes more than her. I have no clue how long it will last but we are making the most of it. We are working on getting her to bed earlier by getting her up earlier at the moment. Napping in the day completely varies! Some days she doesn’t sleep enough and we always pay. She tends to be wired and hubby has needed to take her out for a small drive to settle her. Other days she naps a lot. Similarly to her sister there isn’t much of a routine here and she tends to sleep all over. At present I don’t care as long as she continues to sleep at night!
She is only 8 weeks so nothing dramatic. Haven’t found her writing her name or anything! She is smiling and cooing lots and in response to us which is so adorable. She also copies things like sticking her tongue out. She also has found her hands and loves to suck them. This always confuses me, as I think she needs a flipping feed.
Life as a Family of 4
We have really settled down and are in a good routine. Typically one of us has Piglet and the other, the gremlin. The grem has gravitated a bit more towards hubby, especially when I’m busy feeding and they usually chill/sleep a bit longer in the spare room in the morning to give me and Piglet some more space. This means we all get a bit more sleep some mornings. However, she still needs and wants me so I can cope with her being a Daddy’s girl. I love there being 4 of us and although I don’t get that much time with hubby, we are getting on pretty well and work well as a team. The gremlin has settled a lot more and although is difficult now and then, I think this is just being 3 years old.
How Am I?
Good! I think being well rested helps but I do feel really happy and only now and then insane. Usually when I have been sat in the house with the pair of them ALL DAY!! I’m back at the gym up to 3 times a week and this really helps with my well-being. Body wise I am 1.5kg over my pre-gremlin weight and 4.5kg over my pre-Piglet weight, so very happy. I went way too skinny after the gremlin and hoping to keep a bit more weight on myself this time around. I have a nagging Mum and lovely neighbour who will be keeping check!! I know a bit will go (sadly) when the breastfeeding stops!!
I can’t believe it will be our first Christmas with the little munch next month. I’m looking forward to it, though have bought her chuff all. What does she need?
See you at 3 months.
Oh my God chick you look insanely good! And how adorable is Piglet!! You’re making me broody ha ha! So glad the jabs went well – I’m dreading Joshs 1 year jabs as he’s going to be so much more aware now. xx #MarvMondays
She looks such a beautiful bonny baby and look at you after just 8 weeks… wow! #MarvMondays
Oh my god look at your obliques!! Lovely update and photos. Love the one of the two girls. Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays as always x
Such a beautiful little girl – I’ve followed you for a long time and your an inspiration! #MarvMondays
I can’t believe how quickly it’s gone, she’s such a cutie as is the grem who I just adore hehe π You look ace I wish I knew where I could find my abs *sigh* #marvmondays
#bestandworst π
your post baby photo makes me want to cry I to my tea. good on you thou u worked hard during pregnancy and now it’s paying off π the kids are adorable and piglets really starting to grow into her own features now π
Thanks lovely π x
Back again for #bestandworst. Thanks for hosting xxx
Ah she is just the cutest!!! You look amaze, honestly you’re such an inspiration. Lovely post, so pleased you’ve settled into a family of 4 so well. #bestandworst
My Piglet was always a pretty good sleeper too, maybe it’s just a Piglet thing π I wouldn’t worry too much about the lack of routine – she’ll work out a routine in her own time! #bestandworst
You look absolutely amazing for 8 weeks post birth. I don’t look anything like that 3 years on, but you go to the gym and eat healthily and I don’t lol.
It’s great that you and baby are both doing so well and that you have fantastic support from your husband and it sounds like the gremlin is taking everything in her stride too. Lovely post.
Thanks for hosting #bestandworst
A lovely happy update this. You look well (actually you look FAB!!!), Gremlin looks settled with the new addition and Piglet is adorable! You sure are rocking the two-kids scenario (applause). Well done, and a Merry Christmas!!!
What an amazing little sleeper you have, and you look fab!
I can’t believe Piglet is 2 months old already. What a little cutie. Loving the picture with her little arms in the air sleeping. Rather jealous she is sleeping well for you. Fingers crossed it continues.
Also love the pic of Gremlin & Piglet on the floor. Super cute. Little best friends for life x
Ps #bestandworst x
It seems like just yesterday you were nearing the end of your pregnancy with her.
Oh wow you look amazing!! You totally put me to shame and my youngest is 2!! Piglet sounds like she’s doing fantastically!!
You look amazing! Your two girls are just so cute! Your photos and post made me remember those days when my two kids were just babies and looking back, I see it was so much calmer, time did pass by a bit slower (didn’t feel like that at the time!). Now that they are in school, days are really just flying by and there’s always so much to do…. I cannot believe it will be Christmas!When? How? So, cherish this moments! Write them down. Take a lot of photos. You’ll understand why, when your angels get bigger!;)
What a cutie! I am glad to hear you have adjusted so well to two little ones in the house! #bestandworst
Sorry but how is she 2months already? thats nuts!! I love the sister picture and after a rough few weeks I am somewhat jeal of the 7-9hr sleeping sitch!!! Shes a little beauty and so happy things are going well for you x #bestworst
What a cutie she is! And wow, you look amazing! #bestandworst
You are one hot Mumma! Aren’t they growing so fast? She is such a cutie as is Gremlin of course π ox #BestWorst
Awwww, so lovely. She is developing well and looks like she is bonding well with her sibling X #bestandworst
Aw it is so lovely to read that all is going so well, and yay for sleep! She is so adorable! Xx
She is totally adoreable!! And check you out! You look amazing! So happy you’re all happy! #bestandworst
This post is lovely. It will be great to read again in months/years to come and see how they’ve changed. #bestandworst
Absolutely adorable!! She is just beautiful and you are looking fabulous hun xx #bestandworst
Where did that time go? Blink and it’s gone! #bestandworst