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Meeting Santa with Wyevale Garden Centres

Christmas. I blooming love it and now the gremlin has hit 3 years old, she gets it and is very excited. When she was tiny we never bothered seeing Santa but it is all different now. She understands who he is, understands the concept of presents and isn’t going to freak out seeing him, so visiting Santa was definitely on our Christmas bucket list!

When we were invited to our local Wyevale Garden Centre – Blooms in Solihull for a special breakfast where the littlies could meet Santa, I was well keen!

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Wyevale Garden centres host these special breakfasts all over the country and they are very popular, so if you fancy it this or even next year, get booking. A child’s breakfast, visit to Santa and present are priced at £9.99, with the adult breakfast starting at £3.99, depending if you have a mini one or the full whack. Trust me it is really worth it!

The gremlin was really excited and with us all donned in festive jumpers we headed over. Piglet was a little angel and slept through most of the breakfast, waking for a feed just before the gremlin saw Santa.


We were greeted by elves and shown to our table. The gremlin had a name sticker, a mat to colour in and the best bit in her eyes, was a snowman biscuit to decorate with icing and sprinkles. She loved this and I had to literally wrestle with her to stop squeezing the icing into her mouth before her breakfast came. Hubby and I were provided with tea and coffee and offered refills, which was brilliant.




Whilst waiting for the breakfast, a member of staff, dressed as an Elf kept us all entertained by chatting to the children and encouraging a bit of festive singing. This was lovely.



Breakfast came. The gremlin has hash browns, beans, egg, toast and a sausage and she scoffed the bits she liked. The adult breakfasts had everything you would expect on a fry up, including tomatoes and mushroom and even black pudding! The gremlin was fascinated by Daddy eating “pig’s blood”!  The breakfast overall was delicious and really hit the spot. We then stole bits of the gremlin’s cookie and waited for Santa.


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It was really cute. Bells rang and we had to shout for Santa as he got closer. The kids were soooo excited when he came into the restaurant, running towards him. I have to admit feeling a little emotional seeing my little gremlin’s face! It was time to see Santa! Staff usually come and take the children from each table but everyone was so excited they just queued outside the grotto.


The gremlin was a little nervous but we all went in and she sat and chatted to a very authentic Santa, had some photos and picked a present. There were lots of options, including a dolly, dinosaur, a fashion doll and arts and crafts. The gremlin of course picked the fashion doll and wanted to open it immediately.



Santa then went on his merry way and we got a few photos and headed for a browse around the Christmas stock in the centre.

It was a truely fab experience and I think we will pay to do this next year. The gremlin loved it, it was festive and the breakfast was delicious.

Get booking if you can and Happy Christmas.

Disclosure – we were offered a Santa breakfast free of charge. All thoughts and opinions are our own.



  1. December 12, 2016 / 9:42 am

    We tried to book for a few of our local ones but we’re all sold out! It looks like you had a fab time 🙂 I may keep trying! #MarvMondays

  2. December 12, 2016 / 3:07 pm

    What a great way to kick off the festive season! It looks like great fun (and your daughter did a brilliant job decorating her snowman biscuit! Much better than my efforts ever are!) There is something so very magical seeing a child enjoy Christmas. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas! #MarvMondays

  3. December 12, 2016 / 8:04 pm

    This looks great. A cooked breakfast and santa, what more could you want! We’ve got a Wyevale nearby so might have to do that next year if she still believes that is!! Thanks for joining us for #marvmondays

  4. December 16, 2016 / 8:00 pm

    Ahhh this is sooo cute, it looks like she had an ace time 🙂 Thanks for hosting #marvmondays