Exercise. It’s a funny old thing and often as soon as anyone mentions it, images of sweaty gyms appear. Classes full of fit people. Gym Gods and Goddesses (it’s certainly not always like that).
Fitting exercise in generally can be truly hard. Parenting, work, chores, life, quite often anything else just gets in way.
You don’t need the gym to exercise. I’m a total fitness nut and there have been so many times I have been away from a gym but needed that workout. So I’m sharing my top 10 ways to exercise without the gym!
It’s also a good excuse to treat yourself to some new gym kit, like a a new top, leggings or sweatband where there is an offer on dealsdaddy.
– YouTube videos. There are vast amount of videos you can do at home and follow quite easily. I love the Pop Sugar ones as they start at just 20 minute workouts. They are hard work and really do the job quickly! They also save you spending money on fitness DVDs.
– Power walk! I understand this is more difficult if you have a younger toddler but if I have the buggy and the baby I just go. Plug yourself into some music and walk at a pace for 30 minutes. A raised heart rate and feeling a little sweaty? You know you are working hard.
– Consider a couch to 5km challenge. There isn’t any pressure here to run a marathon but it will get you outside in the fresh air. Even if you have never jogged before you will be amazed at what you can achieve in such a short time.
– Dance. I love doing this with the gremlin. Put some good music on and go crazy to some music for 10-15 minutes. Do this a couple of times a day and you have reached your quota of the recommended 30 minutes a day.
– Small micro bursts of exercise. As I said above you don’t have to cram 30 minutes in in one go. Do little bits throughout the day that will get your heart rate up. This may be something like run up and down your stairs for 5 minutes. Then do this again later on. Perfect time when the baby naps!
– Swim. If you can get out for a 30 minute swim then do it. Swimming is great as it uses all of your muscles and is therefore such a good workout. You don’t need long either.
– Housework at a pace. Have you ever tried to cram cleaning the entire house into when your kid naps? I have!! I end up so sweaty and thirsty! This can be a great 30 minute workout; running up and down stairs, bending, squatting, hoovering and dusting. Do it with a little vigour and it will get you feeling really puffed and will make you feel great too with a clean, tidy house at the end.
– If you feel you do need some equipment at home, you could look for a cross trainer, weights or kettlebells. You can get some Nordictracker deals at the moment and maybe find a bargain!
So there you have it. You’re busy and the kids are nuts but there are always some ways to get active and keep fit.
Give it a go and you will be amazed how much better you will feel in yourself.
Good luck.
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.