My Daughter’s Dream Pet – with Petplan

The gremlin has talked about wanting a pet already. Sadly hubby and I are allergic to cats and dogs so I can’t see us getting one of those in the near future. Maybe a hamster or rabbit? Maybe something more original?

We were recently asked if the gremlin was asked to design her dream pet and the lucky girl would have a soft toy made of it for her to keep, courtesy of Petplan. I remember from having a pet as a child, how important it is to have them insured, as you never know when they may need to see the vet for treatment. Pet Insurance from Petplan is perfect for this, with both lifetime and 12 month policies. Petplan also do a lot of charitable work too and are very committed to re-homing animals.

The Design

So the gremlin and I sat ourselves down to design her animal. The gremlin is quite simple in what she likes. Hubby was suggesting all kinds of creatures. Zombie cats. Half, dog, half horse, mutated spider. You get the picture. When I asked the gremlin what she would like, she was pretty certain – a rainbow bunny.

Not too difficult really.

As she was only 3 when we knuckled down to this project, I had to help her a little with the design. I drew out the bunny for her, with the help of Google, to find one to draw. Then I tasked her with choosing the different colours for her stripey, rainbow bunny.

She was good and sat and concentrated, until the design was complete.

Et Voila.

This is what we came up with.

We sent it over and eagerly waited for the finished result to come in the post.

The Soft Toy

The bunny came and it was exactly like what she had designed and quite big. It is almost like a cushion and it’s going to be homed on the gremlin’s bed.

She has had lots of cuddles with it and so has her sister. OK her sister has totally hogged it!! This is quite unusual really, as the gremlin tends to take things from her sister but this time it has been vice versa!

As you can see it has been well loved.

Disclosure – This post has been possible thanks to Petplan, but all thoughts are my own’




  1. Emily
    October 4, 2017 / 6:36 am

    Aw that’s such a cool idea! Unfortunately we can’t have pets where we live, but our girls would love one. #BloggersBest

  2. October 4, 2017 / 6:36 am

    This is such a super cute idea! #BloggersBest

  3. mummy here and there
    October 4, 2017 / 10:45 am

    That is such a cool idea and makes it even more special as it is personal X

  4. October 4, 2017 / 12:42 pm

    That’s such a cool idea, I love it. Don’t ever ever get a pet though! The budgie very nearly got sent back with the inlaws at the weekend!! #bloggingbest

  5. October 10, 2017 / 8:25 pm

    Ahhh so pretty, love her rainbow choice of colours 🙂 #BloggersBest