Starting to Cycle with the Halfords Kidszone Hub

I know Christmas is on it’s way and I have told the gremlin she is not getting anything off me until the man in the red suit delivers a truckload of gifts. I can make exceptions though and with the prospect of receiving a bike so she could get active and learn to cycle? I let her have that one!

The gremlin currently has a bike with stabilisers and if I’m honest, she doesn’t get out on it that much. I racked my brains back to my childhood and I realised I was about 4-5 years old when I was riding with stabilisers. I think it wasn’t long before I had learnt to ride a bike without them. I can still remember my first bike; a hand me down from family.

I was keen for the gremlin to follow suit and start to learn.

I have watched so many films where parents teach their kids to ride a bike. It always looks so exciting. Watching them pedal away, wobbling, getting more and more sure of themselves. The moment when they have cracked it looks so amazing; a moment you will remember forever. You want a memorable first bike for this to happen on.

The Halford Kids Zone have got a great variety of bikes, scooters and ride on toys that would be perfect for Christmas. Your little one may just be starting out and fancy a balance bike, or like my gremlin getting ready for their first bike. It is well worth a look.

What Did we Choose?

The gremlin chose the Indi Sugar and Spice Kids Bike – 16″ Wheel.

At the time of posting this the bike is priced at £70.

It’s great to get your little ones out and about and to get them riding without stabilisers. There is a chainguard and a basket for storage at the front.

Here are the online specifics:

  • Age: 5-8 years
  • Step through style frame
  • Front and rear calliper brakes
  • Full chainguard to protect fingers and clothing
  • Front basket for storage

What Did We Think?

My little one was extremely pleased with her bike. To her immediately the three best things were:

  • No stabilisers. This seemed really exciting to her.
  • The basket on the front. She was immediately dreaming of what she could put it in. Probably all her Barbies.
  • The flowers and design. My little magpie was very keen on that.

This bike is really good as first one for starting out without the stabilisers. It’s quite light and you can adjust the handlebars and seat. The gremlin is only 4 and this bike is aimed at 5 and up. She is a little small for this yet but not overly and could get on with support. Her feet don’t completely touch the floor but she will easily grow into this.

I would have liked if there was a stand to prop the bike up, as I was worried the gremlin would damage the bike but we can stand it up against something in the garage.

I did like the way the chain was guarded so she couldn’t stick her hands in it or get her feet stuck!

It was easy for her to pedal but she of course did need some help from her Daddy, as she kept peddling backwards! Like anything new it will take practice and perseverance.

I think the current, reduced price is reasonable too but I would not have paid the full price.

I’m really looking forward to getting her out and about over Christmas. We have local parks that are perfect for riding and getting her confidence up. I do think it will take some time for her to develop her ability to cycle without the support of one of us but I think the bike will really help her get the knack of cycling without stabilisers.

I would check out the Halfords Kidszone hub if you are thinking of getting a bike for your little one this Christmas.

Disclosure – we were provided with this bike free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
