These are my top tips:
– Declutter. This can be hard if you like to keep things. I am fab at being ruthless and regularly sort through clothes and paperwork. If I’ve not worn something in a year I tend to give it away. If a toy hasn’t been played with in ages, put it away or give away.
– Invest in some storage. The gremlin’s room was getting ridiculous so we headed over to Ikea for some Kallax and now it looks so much better. She finds it easier to keep tidy and organised.
– Look around see your use of space. We moved around our dining room recently and moved the shelves out of sight. When you walk in you see a plant, not cluttered shelves. It makes the dining area look a lot bigger and less cluttered.

– We considered our girls sharing a room and were a bit worried about bunk beds in case of falling. Zip and link beds were another option. These can function as a single or double, with the latter obviously saving some space! The two single beds can be connected via strong link bars at the ends of each of the bases. These bars hold together the two bases tightly and in this way the bases cannot shift away from each other.The mattresses can be zipped together or apart. I’m guessing if the girls fell out we could split them!!
– Try and keep tidy. This sounds like such a challenge when you have kids but I find that when I make an effort to tidy up and put things back in their proper places, the house is so much cleaner.
>- Try and have regular sorts in the kitchen and use things up or get rid if they are out of date. I went ages without doing this and so much had gone out of date. There was suddenly an awful lot more room in my kitchen cupboards.
So there you have it. These were some of my tips after my recent spring clean. The issue is now keeping up with it all as it is so hard not to slack off now and then. I can see my dining table sliding back to be cluttered and have to periodically make myself sort it!!
Happy space making!
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
I like the idea about the beds!
Kay xx