Fun and Creative Ideas for Saving Money on Family Expenses

Fun and Creative Ideas for Saving Money on Family Expenses

Money is the great tool if you want to have fun or to buy happiness for a limited amount of time. Things that money can´t buy, like creativity and positive attitude, are a shortcut to happiness. Instead of relying only on the power of money, you should start investing yourself more.

Having money is great, but do you know what is even better than that? Spending it smart and being a creative person. In order to teach you how to save more money for college or a big business investment, you should start saving on small things you don´t need, or you can do them on your own for free.

If you are willing to change your financial activity drastically this month, let´s begin with these awesome pieces of advice:

Spend less on clothes

We all like wearing beautiful clothes. However, we all make a big mistake thinking that we have to spend a fortune to look gorgeous. In fact, you can look amazing and more authentic if you use some basic sewing skills and imagination. You don´t have to be pro to save money on clothes.

So, you can turn your oversized T-shirt into a lovely dress for summer. Even better, your old pair of jeans could become new, fancy pair of shorts. And last but not the least; you can make a tote bag out of an old T-shirt. How much will you save? A lot! Imagine repurposing at least three pieces of clothing per family member. You already feel richer, right? Check out some of my favorite summer sales happening by GCGme.

Rock the birthday parties

Instead of feeling anxious about planning birthday, have fun! Get together with your family members and create a unique and unforgettable party. Make your own birthday decorations, prepare a cake, invite only close friends and family, and organize a party in the park or at home. If you choose awesome games kids would adore, you don´t need a clown to animate them. Also, if the cake is too expensive, you can always prepare an amazing ice cream. Kids will love it!

Paint with your family members

You don´t have to hire professionals if you want to paint your living room or a bedroom. Instead, buy necessary materials, activate other family members to help you, and the painting will be way more fun and effective. Plus, your house will look refreshed, and your wallet will be thankful!

Shop smartly!

Shopping is super fun and relaxing activity, especially when you don´t think much about how you spend. However, if you don´t plan your shopping, it can turn out to be the worst thing ever for your home budget. So, cut the costs. Before every shopping prepare a list of the things you NEED, and, more important stick to it. That way you will avoid temptations and save a serious amount of money.

Invest in details

Okay, so you want to buy new furniture, but you have other priorities on your list. Don´t panic, focus on the smaller things you can afford. For example, you can add new pillows on your couch instead buying a new one. You can find almost everywhere super affordable and beautiful pillows. Also, you should definitely invest in plants and flowers. They make every room brighter and more positive. Choose bright colored flowers and change the environment completely. If you are a romantic person, buy candles and revive your living room, bathroom and bedroom. Not only they look beautiful, but they have therapeutic powers if you pick scented ones.

In the end, it is all about the details, priorities, and creativity. Explore, have fun and organise the way you spend. You will be positively surprised at the end of the month to realise how much you’ve saved!


Disclosure – this is a collaborative post
