The Best First Dates Ever!

When I look back at my “dating life” it’s actually a bit pathetic really. I haven’t actually been on that many dates!! Hubby and I have date nights now but not official dates. You know the ones where you don’t actually know the person that well and the whole point of the date is to decide if you do and if you would like to keep on seeing each other.

I have really only had one of those and that was with my first boyfriend when I was 16. I asked him out (modern woman and all). We went to the cinema, held hands and had a kiss at the end. Then we went for food, well he ate and I had a cup of tea. He told me afterwards me watching him eat made me him feel so uncomfortable!! I knew my Mum was making me tea later so didn’t want to spoil it (wasn’t I considerate…ha!). I guess for a first date this was lovely and it was the start of a 5 year relationship.

I think you are never too old to have a fabulous first date, whether you are a youngster starting out, or a little more senior looking for love when you never know where it may lead: Dating over 50: should you live together? That first date may end up with a long term relationship or even with a new housemate.

I asked some of my blogging buds to tell me about their best first dates to give you all some inspiration or some slight disaster stories! Here is what they said:

“When I was 14. It was probably less of a date and more of a “will you go out with me” and a snog. But it must have been good because 25 years later we are still “going out”. Although it’s more official now!”  Claire from Love, Life and Dirty Dishes.

“I only really had one “first date” as such in my life! It wasn’t brilliant as I made it awkward flashing my huge hold it all in knickers and ending the date with a double thumbs up as I said goodbye. However, the company, film we saw together, conversation and food made it a really great night and we are still together nearly six years later!” Kayleigh from Inspire, Gratitude and Manifest.

“The one with my hubby! He turned up with champagne and strawberries then we went out for a meal and just laughed the whole time. We just clicked.” Emma from Emma Reed.

“The best first date I went on was to a drive im cinema, he packed a picnic, a blanket and some hot chocolate in a hot flask… so romantic.” Carla from My Bump 2 Baby.

“With my partner! We went on a date which we brought forward because I wanted to get out of going to a family party and I went with no expectations and I guess that night changed my life! We went to a local Indian and he ate vegan food for me and then we went for drinks and talked for hours. I didn’t want to go home!” Hannah from Fab Fat Mama.

“When me and hubby first started dating he surprised me and took me to see the Chinese State Circus – I loved that he made so much effort to surprise me.” Hayley from Winging It With Two Boys.

“With my now husband. I got crazy drunk before I’d even got there, we went for a meal where I fell into a plant pot, he told me I had the wingspan of a condor, and it was pretty much love at first sight. He moved in just 10 weeks later! ” Laura from Five Little Doves.

“t was my first ever date back in the 90’s. We went to the cinema to watch Home Alone. We just spent 90 minutes laughing!” Pete from Household Money Saving.

“The first time I met my husband we went for a meal followed by a walk around town. We had our first kiss that night and as we did so fireworks were released from a nearby college.” Helen from The Queen of Collage.

“My best date would have had to have been, going ti the beach. Simple as it sounds we blared music on the way, sang our hearts out, sunbathed till we couldnt handle it anymore and talked our lives away. I will never forget it, 4 years later we have our own home and a gorgeous little girl.” Rebecca from My Girls and Me xo.

“My First date with my husband was very un-romantic as we went to an England football match but I guess it was the best first date I ever went on as I went on to marry him.” Cass from Diary of a Frugal Family.

So many people meeting their soulmates on their first dates. Makes me all nostalgic for those early romantic days.

What was your best first date?

Would love to know!

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