London – a Fab Place to Visit but I’d Never Live There

When I was a kid London always had a firm place in my heart. My auntie used to live not too far away, so it was only a train ride away. When we were young we did the touristy sites – Trafalgar Square and all the pigeons, Buckingham Palace and I absolutely loved the tube!! I was fascinated by it; its speed and how well oiled it was, so well timed. Mini train spotter in the making even then.

As I got older we went with my Mum and was treated to Madam Tussauds and the London Dungeon and I was taken to see a couple of musicals – Jesus Christ Superstar and Starlight Express, which were amazing! There is nothing like seeing a show in London. I’ve seen musicals in other places and it simply isn’t the same and I really can’t tell you why.

There is a kind of magical pull to London; there is so much to do, it’s the place to be and the obvious touristy side to it can be pretty fascinating.

I know when my youngest is a little older we would hope to go and there are some pretty amazing family hotels like the Park International Hotel, with facilities I would love (a gym!!) and we do have family that live down there too. It would make a great family day out to take them to see all the sights that I saw as a kid.

It’s an awesome place to visit but that is all for me now: just a place to visit. I guess as you get older, your view point changes.

As a kid, I saw London as fun and exciting. I didn’t have responsibilities. I didn’t have to work and join the thousands of people fighting to get across London on the tube or public transport daily. I didn’t have to worry about finding somewhere to live and since I have started working and hit London on the odd morning for a conference or clinic my mind was firmly changed. The tube is hell. The bustle is hell and I really understood the term rat race. Could this be my existence?! This sounds really dramatic but for me, my current commute in the car does my head in so I’m not someone willing to sacrifice that time to get to work!

I can never also understand how every single part of London is always busy. You travel from one spot to another and the crowds are insane. I guess Birmingham city centre is similar but if I drove to park I’d get some space and it definitely would be quieter. I like the bustle now and then but I guess having kids changes your perspective again, as I like the space we have now.

There will always be a special place in my heart for London, as I do have some fabulous memories from when I visited. There is a completely different vibe, which is fab for special occasions and trips but I know I could never live there.

What about you? Have you lived in London or live there now?

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post
