The gremlin has been back to school in Year 1 for 2 weeks and I would say she has settled down without any problems. I feel an awful lot less nervous this time around! It’s amazing how much you worry about them and how they will manage.
Moj Mojs
Going back to school is always a time for treats and rewards. Little achievements and milestones and what better way to treat your little ones than with Moj Mojs? These cool collectable squishys are available from Smyths Toys and retail at £3.99. I cannot go into any toy store without my gremlin begging me for a collectable, bang on trend toy!
There are 95 plus to collect and each pack comes with two and a poster. They are suitable for those 3 years and above.
We were also sent some other fab back to school goodies including a bag, pencil case, pens, a hair bow and even an alarm clock. Perfect for getting up in the mornings and love the pens for my gremlin practising her writing.
Opening the Moj Mojs
My girls loved opening the Moj Mojs. My gremlin in particular is such a fan of blind bags and it’s a big thrill for her to open them. Even I got quite excited!
The Moj Mojs are pretty cute and definitely squishy! We lined them all up to have a look at them and loved matching up what she had got to all the ones available!
There are different animals to collect and they are put into different characters on the posters that are included. Some examples are “happy campers” and “sun bathers”.
My gremlin almost immediately started playing her imaginary games with them and imagined they were all at school, which is quite on topic!
I think Moj Moj’s are very cute and I know squishy, blind bag loving kids (and adults) will be pretty taken with them. They are quite simple designs and not as intricate as some other blind bag toy but they make a not too expensive back to school treat and a fun thing to collect.
Disclosure – we were provided with this product free of charge. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
I can see these being very collectible, they are rather cute! #BloggersBest
aren’t they just the cutest! My girls a big fans of anything squishy.
OH my goodness. I thought it was a snack food! Ha ha. Little cutie things to collect are really in right now! A fun toy to put in the backpack!
My youngest loves things like this and actually has a couple. I can see her getting more as they would make ideal stocking fillers x #bloggersbest
They are so cute, a perfect little treat for a kid X #bloggersbest
Moj moj’s are awesome. I love the feel of them! Theyre a brilliant fiddle toy!