5 Things I Want To Do This Spring | AD

Spring has felt like a long time coming. With the lockdown and winter combined, time has felt like it has gone a little slower. Despite this, I don’t think I have ever spent so much time outside over the winter period; not since I was a child or cycling to and from University. There simply hasn’t been anything else to do, so I’ve forced the kids and myself out in all weathers through January and February to play out on their bikes and go for walks. It’s probably done us all good. However, I am looking forward to warmer weather! The constant wrapping up in 3 layers, hats, scarfs and gloves can get a little tedious over time! I’ve been thinking about what I would like to do this spring especially with us slowly coming out of lockdown. Here are 5 things I want to do this Spring.

To Do This Spring

– Pack up my hat and scarf and warm coat – it’s the best feeling knowing you don’t have to go out and get all wrapped up in a tonne of layers. I lobe being able to grab my sunglasses, a light top and go! This is even better with the kids!

Meet friends at a National Trust and so soon we are going to be allowed! It is a very exciting thought but to be able to meet up in warmer weather at a beautiful property or gardens after so long will be amazing.

losing confidence

Go for an evening walk. I love the lighter evenings and one thing I miss about my pre-kids life is just going for a walk in the evening, especially when it gets warmer.  There is just something lovely about a light evening and having a walk. It maybe I go on my own or with a neighbour but be nice to go out.

Take pictures of blossom – I love the blossom that comes with Spring and already I am keeping an eye out for somewhere we can go to get some beautiful photographs. It is just so stunning, especially on a sunny day.

Buy some new clothes. I have worked with Femme Luxe many times and they have sent me some clothes to mark the warmer weather coming. This is what I have been sent this time.

The first item is Black Hook & Eye Front Corset Crop Top which currently retails at £13.99. This is perfect to wear with jeans. I chose a size 10 and you can choose it in sizes 6-14. It’s pretty revealing so I teamed up with a lacy top too.

The second item picked was this Black Tie Front Organza Mesh Sleeve Crop Top which currently retails at £16.99. Again perfect to wear with jeans and heels. I chose a size 10 and it fit me well.

I next chose this Black Ribbed Off The Shoulder Crop Top. This retails at £12.99 and I chose a size 10. It comes in 6-16. This felt a little more casual and was comfortable.

My final spring item was this White Puff Long Sleeve Zip Up Top in size 10 again. This currently retails at £17.99 and is perfect to team up with jeans.

I’m really looking forward to the Spring this year. I think we all deserve it after a tough, long winter. The sunshine will be coming, the warm weather will be coming and getting outdoors will be brilliant!

Disclosure – I received these items and was compensated for my time. All thoughts and opinion are my own.
