Happy 3rd Birthday to My Beautiful Boy

Happy 3rd Birthday to My Beautiful Boy

I have another 3 year old! You, my little darling boy are 3 years old! This is hard to fathom, mainly as it is the third time I am seeing one of my children hit this milestone. It has also gone so fast; it feels so much faster than your sisters. This may just be because you have lived 2 years of your small life through a pandemic. A pandemic that may have hindered you in some ways but helped you in others. We spent so much time together as a family, you has time with your sisters, Daddy, me and the people close to us. You were lucky enough to spend time at your childminders, meet other little ones and blossom.

I always say it but you the friendliest and most confident of my three children. You will chat away, give your love and hugs away  and it is lovely to watch. I love how I can leave you easily with others, extend our family and you are happy and content.

I have watched you go through 2 general anaesthetics and surgeries over the last few month to fix your umbilical granuloma. You managed so well. It was never going to be fun watching you get put to sleep but we coped, we dealt with it and probably felt closer and stronger for a while after. I’m so glad you are healed and have a belly button. It was such a long time coming.

Three is always my favourite age. Your little personality just shines through; curious, clever and I’m already seeing little nuggets of kindness with your sisters. You are obsessed with cars; no one can tell me girls and boys are the same, as they are just not. You may enjoy playing with dolls now and then and love dressing up but cars are always the toy of choice.

You and your elder sister are the best of friends now. Always playing together, devising games and having fun. With only 2 years 5 months between you, I always hoped you would be close and that closeness is there. You keep each other company, disappear together, drive each mad, fight like mad but the love underneath is so adorable.

You are just that little bit older now. The tantrums have started to fade. The conversations are flowing. Playing with you is fun. You want to learn and your memory and grasp of numbers is incredible.  I’m sure one day I will get you potty trained but I feel that may be a little way off yet. I am trying to let you be, tell me when you are ready and I’m sure it will happen.

struggling with my toddler - mum and two year old outside

It’s not long until you start the wraparound care at the school, which sounds almost unbelievable. You in school, in uniform with other children. Being a Mum at home can be tough but I’m not sure I’m ready for all 3 of you to be in school. I’ll be keeping you with me once a week until you hit reception. I know this time is precious and when it’s gone, it’s gone.

So happy third birthday little man. My third baby. My little joy.

Love you so much beautiful boy and have the best day.


1 Comment

  1. February 21, 2022 / 7:19 pm

    Aww! Time flies! Happy birthday to your boy. I hope he has had a great day. He sounds like such a lovely lad x