How to Talk to Your Parents About Their Care Options

How to Talk to Your Parents About Their Care Options

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

It is nothing short of tough to talk to your parents about their care options going forward. 

It can cause an array of emotions to come forward, all of which are healthy but which can be difficult to process and deal with. However, if you have to have the conversation as your loved one’s needs become more complex, it can be worth at least having an idea about how to broach the subject to avoid upset as much as possible. 

So, here, you will be walked through some of the best ways to talk to your parents about their care options. 

Try To Plan Ahead

OK, starting with the most obvious point, talking to your parents about their care plans is not going to be easy. However, if you live with them, try to pick a day when they are in a better mood or are more receptive to talking. This doesn’t mean you can just drop it into a conversation; instead, try to guide the chat or talk in the direction of future planning.

If your parent’s health is worsening, you may want to talk to them about more specific areas of their care, such as residential cares homes or supported living. It may even be worth bringing along information about options, such as Signature at Reigate Grange Care Home. This will help demystify the idea and help them understand their options and the positives of making such a move.

Don’t Escalate!

Why is it important to choose a time when your parent is in a good mood? Well, talking about care plans or options for the future can bring up emotions that may not be all too pleasant. If your parent becomes aggravated or angry, aim to resolve the conflict quickly.

Try to stay calm, leave the conversation where it is, and change the subject. The last thing you want is to get into a shouting match!

Try To Involve Other Family Members

If you are not a single child, try to involve your siblings. Try to do this in a way where your parent will feel comfortable talking, and try to avoid seemingly making decisions for them. Just because you and your sister want your parent to go into a residential setting in your hometown does not mean that they will want to. You need to respect the decision that they make, even if you don’t agree with it.

Involve Them

Remember, this is your parent’s care, and you should involve them in it as much as possible unless they are medically unfit to make such decisions. 

This may mean visiting supported living settings or residential homes with them to help them get an idea of where they will want to go. At earlier stages, it may involve talking them through treatment options should their physical or psychological health begin to deteriorate.

Make No Decisions Without Them

If your parent has no neurodegenerative issues, such as Alzheimer’s, then it is best to involve them in the process of planning their care options. If this is not the case, and your parent is living with Alzheimer’s or another kind of dementia, then it is not likely that you will be able to involve them in making decisions in their care unless they are in the very early stages. In this instance, you will likely need to seek legal advice or talk to your family members about the next steps.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
