The weather was so lush the other week, I decided to sack the gym off and try and go for a run outdoors. I really fancied it. I managed 15 minutes before I had horrendous stitch and my dodgy knee started twinging but it was better than nothing.
I didn’t really fancy going home and did want to do a bit more so jogged on to a nearby field in the park. There was a couple of trees with a good gap between them like markers, so this was perfect.
I know sometimes there is a tendency to feel a bit self conscious when you are in public but the park was quiet, apart from a chap and his son. Also I tend to plug into music and this really blocks out everything. I’m also a bit of an “eff off” girl anyways so don’t tend to care (we all shouldn’t really but it can be hard at the start).
I started doing a few sprints between the trees. I always try and do a good amount of High Intensity exercises which are brilliant for increasing fitness and you don’t need to do it for too long to have an effect.
The trees were great markers so I could so a variety of exercises between them, including walking lunges, bear crawls (which I have to get someone to film me do at some point as they are hysterical), squat jumps and basic running.
I also threw in a few press-up brilliant for the pecs (under the boobies) and shoulders; planks (a core workout) and sit ups (work those abs).
The work out probably only added on 15 minutes to my run but it ensured the rest of my body got a good blasting as well.
I was wrecked afterwards! Exercising in warmer weather is always a bit harder. The flaming hot face is a fab look!
Variety is definitely the spice of life for me and I have to mix up my exercise sometimes or I just won’t keep up with it. It is getting cooler as the moment but we have had some lovely, sunny days. My advice would be to get outside, enjoy it and try and work your butt off too!
Good for you, sounds like a great workout! I love that post run feeling, though I haven’t felt it for a while I must admit! x #sundaystars
Thanks Julia…it is a lovely feeling..and you can be lazy after. Thanks for hosting x
How do you still look great after a workout? Seriously my face looks 3 times redder after 5 minutes lol #sundaystars
Aww cheer Mac…I thought I looked a wreck x
I always go out if I can, even running in the rain doesn’t bother me, a gym is the last resort, fresh air wins every time!
So true! Good on you x
I love your trainers……but then I was always going to say that wasn’t I hahaaa!! π x
haha so you Helen x
Well done you! Sounds like a great workout and you look fab after it. I’d look far more puffed out, sweaty and red. Love your trainers btw #sundaystars
Thanks lots! Those trainers have had lots of compliments! Bargain when I was on holidays xx
I used to lots of running when I was younger (a lot younger!) but I can’t do it now as I have a bad back and jogging just hurts. I have dodgy knees too, but cycling works a treat and I find you barely feel any niggles when on two wheels as it’s so low impact. It sounds like you had a great workout in the park – there’s nothing better than getting outdoors. Love it! π
Me too! Maybe not as much as you but enough to wreck my knees. Cycling is great in the fresh air though isn’t it? x
Sounds like you had a great time! I think it’s always good to mix things up. π
Thanks Morgan…yep was good to mix things about! x
You make it look so easy Sarah. And as for the post workout photo…You look glowing.
I love when I’ve done the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred that every inch of my body is dripping in sweat. When I’m motivated I love getting sweaty to me it feels like a sense of achievement and it makes the shower/bath feel all the more better. Feeling so demotivated at the moment, can I have some of your please. Lol
Woo, you go girl! Can I have some of that motivation please? I’m terrible at running, I just can’t do it. I get bored so easily so prefer to be down the gym doing something with weights. You look great even after your workout too ! #bloggingtojogging x
Thanks Jade! I like the weights I must admit! Thanks so much x
I could do this in my own garden but i’m nowhere near brave enough to do it in the park! Good on you for not caring about people watching π
Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes