Mistaking Labour for Needing a Poo!!

mistaking labour for needing a poo

So I wasn’t going to do anymore pregnancy updates unless I hit the 40 week mark. However, sometimes the silly things we think as expectant Mums make a blog post post worthwhile. I managed to mistake labour for needing a poo.

I have had some bump developments since the last 36 week bump update. The midwife visited at almost 37 weeks and said my bump size had dropped a centile. Cue another scan. I wasn’t bothered at all; this exact same thing happened with the gremlin and all was fine. Plus I haven’t had a scan since 20 weeks so would be nice. I had to go alone as hubby working but all was fine. Firstly baby was head down and not breech. Thank goodness! In fact the midwife scanning me said there was no way she could look at the baby’s face without a lot of pain for me as she was so low down. Secondly baby is most definitely a girl! I got the best view ever; no mistaking that bum shot for anything else. Massive relief, as we have a pink room and a tonne of the gremlin’s clothes ready. Finally, she is growing fine and on the 50th centile. Phew!

I’m booked into my midwife-led unit and am going with the flow from now on.

Anyways!! Anybody who follows my Instagram may have known hubby and I had a fabulous night away at Coombe Abbey for our 4 year wedding anniversary. We had a night in a 4 poster bed, dinner and breakfast included. We really needed the time together and it was lovely to relax and not worry about entertaining the gremlin. Nanny and Grandad could do that!! We didn’t take many pictures as I wasn’t going to blog about it as such and we were trying to enjoy the moment (so no phones at dinner!)

However, here are a few and not the best but you can get an idea of how lovely Coombe is.


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It was heaven. Lazing around, eating olives in bed and enjoying some time together.

Mistaking Labour for Needing a Poo!

What I didn’t expect was to be lying in bed late afternoon, watching Netflix and starting to get tightenings. I was a bit worried immediately as the Braxton Hicks tend to be the worst when standing, walking or exercising. The pains were coming every 10 minutes or so and my tummy was going like a rock. I had mine and baby’s bag packed in the car but we had a 20-30 minute drive back to Solihull if needs be. When I casually mentioned to hubby I wasn’t sure if things were starting, he looked like he was going to shit himself, “but I’m not ready!” No darling, nor am I really!!!

I had the sudden urge to run to the loo and “go” which made me worry more but we decided to get ready for dinner and see what happened. I was still getting the tightenings, as I topped up my make-up and I wasn’t relaxed at all.

mistaking labour for needing a poo

We headed down to dinner and ordered some bread to start. I was really uncomfy!! Back hurt and my belly was so hard. I tried to relax but couldn’t and was genuinely worrying. Hubby drank a Stella and started thinking he shouldn’t have done, in case he needed to drive!! Luckily my family were not too far away in case. Suddenly I needed the loo again. I ran off and decided to sit there for a while (hubby thought I’d be pushing in the toilet or something stupid like that!!!) I wasn’t gone that long but afterwards felt much better!

It all just seemed to stop; the pains seem to have subsided! Part of me was slightly disappointed but I was also massively relieved. My house is 5 minutes from the hospital and I wanted to be close when the time came. I wanted our night in a 4 poster bed and a bit more time to myself on maternity leave first. I’m guessing even second time Mums confuse Braxton Hicks due to needing the loo with mild contractions!

I still have another 2 weeks to go yet. I was early with the gremlin and everyone seems convinced this little Piglet is coming early too. Let’s just see and I hope I can distinguish my bowels from my baby when the time comes!

Has anyone else mistaken labour for needing a poo?

mistaking labour for needing a poo



  1. September 13, 2016 / 6:21 pm

    Ah, at least you got to enjoy your night away without taking home an extra person! Good luck… she is coming soon! X

  2. September 13, 2016 / 10:34 pm

    Oh I hope the next time it happens you get to meet baby! How exciting!!! xx

  3. September 13, 2016 / 11:37 pm

    Ha ha! I love this. And I am so glad you got to have your night in the four poster bed. I had many of these moments when pregnant with Little Mister H. Many a time I phoned Mr H and said that he should come home as things were starting. In fact, when the time came, I was so worried it was another false alarm that I waited until dinner was being served to tell Mr H that I was in labour. Hopefully your little girl will arrive soon. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  4. Rhian Harris
    September 14, 2016 / 7:01 am

    This made me chuckle! I was 2 weeks late and induced but I can totally relate to the worry that goes along with planning anything away from the house! At least you got to enjoy your night in the end! #bestandworst

  5. Mrs C
    September 14, 2016 / 7:17 am

    Phew! Ah Sarah, I’m glad you got to finish your nice stay away! Those tightenings are still helping get that already super-fit uterus of yours ready to make the birth as easy as it can. Looking forward to hearing your happy news!xx #bestandworst

  6. Helen @ Little Owl Gift Baskets
    September 14, 2016 / 7:27 am

    My contraction timer app has lots of occasions on it where I was timing my bracton hicks in the weeks running up to labour with my second! I had so many times when I thought it might the start. So glad you got to enjoy your night away, it looks like a stunning place. You got married the day before me πŸ™‚

  7. September 14, 2016 / 7:29 am

    How typical would that have been, going into labour on a romantic night away! I love Coombe Abbey #bestandworst

  8. Rach
    September 14, 2016 / 7:36 am

    Ah I’m pleased you managed to enjoy your anniversary night (looks a lush place by the way). Knowing me I’d have been panicked so much, I’d have probably left the hotel and headed straight to the hospital which would’ve made me look stupid!
    PS. You look so amazing. You seriously rock pregnancy #bestandworst

  9. The Speed Bump
    September 14, 2016 / 7:42 am

    Ah I’m glad you got to enjoy your night away in the end, it looks gorgeous! #bestandworst

  10. September 14, 2016 / 9:52 am

    Oops! At least you still got to enjoy your night in the end though! I was the opposite – completely in denial that I was in labour when it all started haha #bestandworst

  11. September 14, 2016 / 9:57 am

    Aww well thankfully you got to enjoy your night away!! I can remember my Braxton hicks being so bad with my youngest three that I was convinced I was in labour! Then when I was actually in labour none of the midwives would even believe me, hence the reason why I have birth to Megan with no pain relief and my husband only arrived in time to see me pushing her out! I’m sure when it happens you’ll know!! Not long now! #bestandworst

  12. September 14, 2016 / 11:23 am

    Haha oh bless you, well there’s not a lot of room in there anymore is there haha πŸ™‚ glad you had a nice time away and that it didn’t come to an abrupt end! Xx

  13. September 14, 2016 / 12:52 pm

    When I was 36 weeks pregnant with my youngest me and hubby had a night away at the hotel where we got married. I had a c-section book for 2 weeks time so didn’t expect anything to happen. The next morning I woke up at 6am and realised my waters had gone, IN THE HOTEL BED!! She was born a few hours later! x #bestandworst

  14. September 14, 2016 / 1:08 pm

    Oh wow, I used to get a lot of Braxton hicks and thought baby would be arriving every time it happened – I was induced in the end! You getaway looked absolutely lovely!


  15. September 14, 2016 / 1:48 pm

    When your body hasn`t been your own for 9 months it`s easy to forget what things are supposed to feel like. I`m glad it all worked out and that place looks beautiful. #bestandworst

  16. September 14, 2016 / 2:13 pm

    Phew! But at least you were able to enjoy your weekend! Looks like it was a stunning hotel #bestandworst

  17. September 14, 2016 / 3:10 pm

    Oh no what a drama. Hope you managed to enjoy a relatively comfy sleep in the four poster! #bestandworst

  18. September 14, 2016 / 5:32 pm

    everything is always so much better after a good poo #bestandworst

  19. September 14, 2016 / 6:50 pm

    I love it, that will be a great story to tell the bump in later years. I must say you look fabulous in that pic. #bestandworst

  20. Briony
    September 14, 2016 / 8:26 pm

    What a fan place. I’m glad it was just Beacon Hicks though so you could enjoy it. Although that would have been a take to tell #bestandworst

  21. Alana - Burnished Chaos
    September 14, 2016 / 8:35 pm

    Ha ha, you never can tell. Glad you got to enjoy the night away after all, that place looks stunning!

  22. September 14, 2016 / 9:11 pm

    Ha, ha! How funny. I remember being convinced I was going to go into early labour at 37 weeks with regular BH, but never did. Each evening I’d tell the husband that I was sure that the baby was going come and he never did lol. Anyway I cant believe hwo glam you look in your picture and the fact that you had heels on even though you thought you could have been in labour! Any day now ;-_ Emily #bestandworst

  23. September 14, 2016 / 9:16 pm

    Haha love that – the feelings are definitely very similar!! I love Coombe Abbey, we very nearly booked it for our wedding, but changed our minds at the last minute! Would love a night away there though. x #bestandworst

  24. September 14, 2016 / 9:39 pm

    I love how this post is essentially just about you going for a poo, haha. Aww I can imagine you were a bit disappointed that it wasn’t baby coming but atleast you got to enjoy your night away xx #bestandworst

  25. Sarahbel
    September 15, 2016 / 8:55 am

    Hehe! Glad you were able to enjoy your night away in the end!! I did actually mistake labour for constipation and when my waters broke I thought it was some weird pregnancy incontinence…major denial I think… Luckily my husband was more with it and bundled me to hospital!!! Best of luck when the time comes xxx #coolmumclub

  26. September 15, 2016 / 9:41 am

    What a fright, you looked stunning by the way. This actually happenned to my best friend with her first and she really nearly lost the baby down the loo! He is now a strapping 18 year old going off to uni. #bestandworst

  27. September 15, 2016 / 12:48 pm

    I wasn’t sure where this post was going at first! Had baby arrived?!

    Glad it was a false alarm so you got to enjoy your babymoon (is that what they’re called?!). Won’t be long now Sarah!

    Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub

  28. September 15, 2016 / 2:14 pm

    Welp if it makes you feel any better when I was pregnant with my first I thought my water broke and rushed straight to the hospital….turns out I peed myself.


  29. September 15, 2016 / 9:24 pm

    Oh my, I would have been panicking too! I’ve been induced with both of mine so no idea what to expect if I had a natural labour, I think every little braxton hicks would freak me out! x (place looks gorgeous!) #coolmumclub

  30. September 16, 2016 / 1:30 pm

    Back from #bestandworst πŸ™‚

  31. Something About Baby
    September 16, 2016 / 7:26 pm

    Ha, this is so funny! I can imagine this will be me next time – I was induced so don’t know what it really feels like to go into labour and from what I can gather my contractions were weird (just a constant pain, rather than waves of pain!) so I’d have no idea if I was in labour or not! I do remember scaring my friend in my last pregnancy though – I went on a hen do when I was 32 weeks pregnant and so took my maternity notes with me and told her where to find them if anything happened and she got freaked out that I was going to go into labour!! Glad you had a lovely night away, it’s great you got some couple time before the new arrival #bestandworst

  32. September 19, 2016 / 6:56 pm

    Good lord, this will be me before too long! Glad you had a good time – looks fab! #bestandworst

  33. September 21, 2016 / 10:24 am

    You look stunning! I would be like no baby I want more olives in bed. You were amazingly calm to just take yourself down to dinner…I never had any Braxton Hicks etc and my waters broke 8 hours before any contractions. Such an exciting time, hope when baby does come it all goes smoothly πŸ™‚ xx #coolmumclub xx

  34. September 21, 2016 / 9:36 pm

    Haha! I never had Braxton Hicks with either of mine. Coombe Abbey looks lovely! #coolmumclub