Ella’s Kitchen Vegetable Pouches **REVIEW**

Ella’s Kitchen Vegetable Pouches **REVIEW**

AD – Little Piglet has started weaning and she is a little prior to 6 months we have started on some purees before ramping up the finger foods a little. So far she has really enjoyed the fruit and vegetable dishes I have made her and we have just moved into cheesy sweet potato, lentils and fish so she is doing very well. Saying that though I need a bit of convenience and foods I can take out with me during these early stages. When I was contacted by Ella’s Kitchen to review some of their new vegetables pouches, I thought why not? The gremlin scoffed tonnes of them when she was on holiday with us during her weaning days so I was keen to see what Piglet would think.

weaning baby

What Were We Sent by Ella’s Kitchen?

We were sent some fab new flavours – peas, broccoli and potato; carrots, peas and kale; pumpkin broccoli and sweetcorn and finally squash, sweet potato and parsnip.

Ella's Kitchen website

Piglet was sent some vegetables rattles and we have some cool plaques to rate the pouches, though I think my little gremlin had more fun with those!

We tested all the products out over a period of a week. We had a meal out at a restaurant which was a perfect opportunity and we had the rest at home. The pouches keep for 48 hours once opened, in the fridge. As little Piglet is having small amounts at the moments we could make them last for 2 little meals.

The Verdict?

She loved them all! As the texture is so smooth so was sucking them all off the spoon and opening her mouth for more. All 4 varieties she loved, even the green ones! I was very impressed.

Here are some of the pictures we took with some of the products

Ella's Kitchen Vegetable Pouch Little baby girl being fed Ella's Kitchen pouch Baby girl being fed Ella's Kitchen pouch

Ella's Kitchen vegetable pouch

My daughter had a lot of fun with the little plaques!

sisters playing

Overall these new vegetable pouches were brilliant. There is a lot of debate with weaning style and home cooked food vs bought. If you are going down the puree route and need something suitable, that your child will like, these pouches are spot on.

Definitely worth a try!

Disclosure – we were provided with these pouches in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
