How Are You Going To School?

My gremlin is going to school.

I don’t tend to really write milestone posts for her but there is one big milestone on the horizon and I just can’t really believe it.

I don’t also tend to write soppy posts either; it’s not my bag but sometimes I make exceptions.

My little August, summer baby will be starting school in September. I have pondered over whether or not she will be ready, as I’m so aware some of her peers will be turning 5 so soon after starting. I think she’s ready. We’ve talked about it lots and she knows it’s coming. She knows she will start, I will go back to work and little Piglet will go to nursery. We are lucky. She got the school we wanted; where one of her little friends will be going too.

But how? How has that time gone; that special time she will only have with me before she will be gone everyday? I remember her being placed in my arms in that birth pool and me feeling the most overwhelmed and numb than I have ever felt before. But we have had 3 years just us, to bond and get to know each other and now we are the best of mates.

I’m not going to lie it has been harder with two kiddies and it is getting even harder as Piglet is getting bigger and just needs me just as much. The gremlin is struggling to share me and some weeks nursery days do come around and I sigh with relief. Not because I don’t want her but because I can tend to her baby sister without feeling split in two and feeling guilty. I love our days together; pottering around town, going to the park, seeing friends, taking her swimming and playing. There is a lot of banter, nagging, mess, laughing and plenty of tearing my hair out too.

She’s a total pain in the bum and I’m not going to sugar coat that. She’s loud, demanding, a total wheedler, crackers, gets changed 10 times a day and is not always very kind to her baby sister. However, she’s my little mate, my little companion. My little helper who keeps her sister calmer as I’m running around like a loon trying to leave the house. The one who passes me wipes when her sister voms. The one who wants a bite of my scone every time. The one who eats a fromage frais with two spoons and the one who would gladly sit in a buggy or go on the buggy board rather than walk!!

I’m going to miss her so much when she goes off to school. I know I’ll be working 3 days again pretty soon after but those two days without her are going to be so odd. Little Piglet is going to miss her too. She is besotted with her older sister. Her eyes and head move so fast to see where the gremlin is and she squeaks with excitement. It’s going to be a big change for us all.

She will be fine. I know it. She’s bright, keen to please and keen to learn and I’m hoping she makes some lovely friends.

To my gremlin,

Love you my little darling. You drive me mad. You make me so proud and I’ll be a wreck as you totter into school come September.

Love Mummy x



1 Comment

  1. April 19, 2017 / 7:25 am

    Aw so gorgeous. She will be fine and it is weird how you get used to it. The time they are at school seems to fly by and you’ll soon be picking her up and having fun afterwards. They grow up so much in their first yr at school it seems and I think you’ll love watching her blossom so much. Lovely post xxx