REVIEW – ergoPouch Sleep Suit Bag

REVIEW – ergoPouch Sleep Suit Bag

AD – I’m a massive fan of sleeping bags for my girls to sleep in. They are warm and cosy, can stop them moving all over the cot like little wriggly worms and they are just practical. We were kindly offered to chance to try an ergoPouch sleep suit bag and were very keen.

More About ergoPouch

ergoPouch website

ergoPouch are an Australian Company who produce award winning swaddles, sleep suit bags and sleeping bags made from breathable, skin-friendly, natural fibres.

The sleep suit bag we were offered was a 2.5 tog but they are available in 3 tog weights for all year round wear. They also come for varying ages from 2-12 month to 4-6 year sleep suit bags. We received one for an 8 month – 2 year old.  These convert from a sleeping bag to a sleep suit via a zipper between the legs, which makes easy access for changing nappies. I particularly like the fact it has sleeves as so many sleeping bags don’t and this can make for very cold arms. The suit also has fold over mitts to keep the hands warm.

ergoPouch package

They fit easily in a pram or carrier and the zipper transition from bag to sleep suit makes it easy to move from cot to buggy or pram.

Our Thoughts!

We were sent the blue dot sleep suit bag, which retails at £55. This is quite pricey but as this is so much more than a sleeping bag, the price reflects this. The first thing I noticed was the feel of the product and the high quality. It felt really soft and thick. I could tell my little Piglet would be very warm. In fact we worried if she would be too warm and as the age range is 6 months to 2 years, we know she will get a lot of use out of it next winter. The bag is filled with 100% cotton and has a cotton outer sheet layer.

ergoPouch sleep bag suit

I do feel as Piglet is only 6 months and not walking yet, we would at present only use this as a sleeping bag. It was huge on her and not practical to convert into the suit, until she is a little older and perhaps cruising around. Bear this in mind if you buy one for a younger baby. Possibly the 2 – 12 month size would be better. However, I can imagine if you have to get your baby up and out on a cold morning to take an older sibling to school, this product will be perfect! A quick zip and you can move them from the cot to pram and keep them very snuggly.

Piglet slept really well in her bag and wasn’t too hot at all. In fact I think she slept through which is a bonus! It was easy for hubby to sort her nappy out when went to fetch her, due to the easy access at the bottom of the suit. This is very important to him, as he is so bleary eyed in the night when he is half asleep!

Overall we were really impressed with the product. It’s fantastic in quality, really soft and warm and very practical when you need to move quickly with your little one and need a smooth transition.

Thumbs up!

Disclosure – we were provided with the product in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.



1 Comment

  1. April 18, 2017 / 10:00 am

    What a fab idea to make the bag change from a sleep bag to a body suit. This would be perfect for those early noting school runs.