I’m NOT a Pinterest Mum – how I’m keeping the Kids Entertained over Easter

I’m NOT a Pinterest Mum – how I’m keeping the Kids Entertained over Easter

I’ve said in the past how the school holidays are actually harder than I thought they would be; not with the kids one on one but definitely with them both together. Fighting, entertaining a 1 year old and a 4 year old at the same time and generally getting cooped in the house if it starts lashing it down! So the Easter holidays were not something I am massively looking forward to when I’m off!!


I know this will get easier as the youngest gets a bit bigger but for now the fun begins from Thursday! I’ve made it no secret either I’m not a Pinterest Mum. Baking, crafts, random sensory play?! Hmm I’ve tried but the baby tends to throw everything everywhere or ends up falling off her chair, whilst I am tending to her sister! They end up fighting over a baby, screaming in the lounge and I end up hiding in the kitchen, filming secret Insta Stories.

Sigh!! As I also find I cannot stay in the house for the entire day for fear of going totally insane, these are some of things I like to get up with the girls during the holidays. No glue, glitter or Play Doh involved!

– Play Date. I love the holidays for catching up with my mates and their kids who don’t go to the same school as the gremlin. It also means they can go wild playing together and I can have a good natter with the Mum, or we go out as a group and it’s carnage!!

– A simple walk! I might get the gremlin on her scooter and the baby in the buggy for a bit (and she has a very slow walk) and we get some fresh air. We have a local woods we sometimes pop to as well.

– National Trust. I love my membership and although it will be a lot busier during the school holidays we often head over to our local places, have lunch and catch up with a friend.

– A McDs. Ok, this is not my favourite place to go but the gremlin loves a treat during the school hols and I often take her for her lunch, especially if we have any one on one time. It’s really not that expensive either which I hate to say!!

– The park. If the weather is good a trip to the local park can be pretty fun. Possibly a picnic, the play area and just take a ball! That can pass some time and all that running around tires the little ones out!

– The library. The gremlin used to love heading over for an hour if we were in town. She liked me to read to her and just chill. Sometimes they have events on and these can be really fun.

– Local Easter Egg hunts. It’s worth having a look if there is anywhere running an Egg hunt. National Trust do but you do have to book onto these. We always have one as a family anyway but it can be nice to get out and about and have someone else set one up for you!!

– Go shopping or window shopping! I know this can be hell depending on the kid’s moods but I often have a good laugh with my eldest in town, usually when I am dragging her out of the clothes racks in New Look!!

I’m not off for the whole holidays, as family will be helping out too but on all my days off I will have both my crazy beauties.

Wish me luck and have a fab holidays!!

