Outdoor Adventure Toys by Brainstorm Toys – **Review**

The gremlin has been loving learning about mini beasts at school and been pretty fascinated. I remember when I was a kid getting my magnifying glass out and exploring in the garden. When we were offered Outdoor Adventure toys by Brainstorm toys to review, I knew she would be very keen.

We were sent three items. All are aimed at 6 years and older and my daughter is only 4 but I supervised her and helped her out, as we tried the products out.

outdoor adventures toys

A Magnifying glass. This is pretty cool as the main lens has 2x magnification and additional 3x and 4x in smaller lens. It’s 185mm tall.  This a relatively new product and I could not see on Amazon yet.

magnifying glass outdoor adventures

Binoculars which my eldest loves looking at. These have a built in compass and 4x magnification and 30mm glass lenses. There is a lanyard to keep them close by and safe.  They are adjustable for varying head sizes and have a rubber grip. These can be found on Amazon for £9.99.

Binoculars outdoor adventures

Finally we were sent a night vision torch. This has a red light to preserve night vision. It’s designed for a night expedition, camping or spooky stories. This is available on Amazon for around £7.99.

Night vision torch outdoor adventures

What Did We Think?

My eldest was really pleased to test out these adventure toys. We have had some lovely weather so perfect for getting out into the garden. She took the magnifying glass out and started hunting for bugs. I had to help her hold it at the correct distance and she did have a tendency to put her face right next to it! This did make me giggle.

girl playing with a magnifying glass outdoor adventures

girl playing with magnifying glass outdoor adventures

I had a go with it and it was cool looking at the world through a different lens. I think as she gets older she will love even more.

Magnifying glass outdoor adventures

She was even more fascinated by the binoculars and wanted to sit in the garden and wait until she heard a sound; an animal or bird. We did get a lot of squirrels! She then wanted to look and see what it was if she could. She was really excited when she spotted something. I quite liked the compass on the binoculars and being able to adjust the size of them so I could have go.

girl playing with binoculars outdoor adventures

The torch was a little more tricky to test, as it currently doesn’t get dark until my gremlin is zonked in bed! However, we decided to make her room look dark before bed and have some fun. The torch shone a good red light and we could see areas of her room quite well. I think it would be fab outdoors and scaring each other! You can always hear so much more when it is dark so be fab to have a look around.

Overall Thoughts

I liked these Outdoor Adventure toys. They are so simple and equipment we have been using for years. They are reasonably priced so would make a good present. They encourage getting outdoors, an inquisitive mind and a good way to spend time together with your children.

Thumbs up from us!

Disclosure – we received this items free of charge in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts an opinions are our own. 
