Embracing Your Body on Holidays

Embracing Your Body on Holidays

I’ve got back from 11 nights in sunny Crete a few weeks ago now. It was boiling, pushing 30 degrees some days and definitely not the weather to cover up. Quite like the weather we have been having in the UK recently!

To be honest nobody did cover up whilst I was away, which was such a positive thing.

There was no sign of being body conscious, even though I felt it a little.

I know what some of you may be thinking; you’re slim and tall. Why should you be worried above shoving a bikini on for the poolside to people to see? To be fair I’d probably think it too, especially when I look at people moaning on social media about their ‘imperfections’ when I can barely see anything.

Of course I have my hang ups. I see ladies with fuller chests and look down at my boobs, barely fitting into the smallest size bikinis. Oh the joys of breastfeeding. I look at beautiful tanned bodies whilst I stay pasty white, covered in an almost wet suit and hat when I hit the pool. We all wish we could change some things about ourselves and I know what I would like to amend with my body.

The thing I found really positive on this holiday was no one seemed to care! Or if they did, they did not show it. I saw women and men of all shapes and sizes in bikinis and shorts, even better of all ages! The largest sized lady I saw was in the pool with her children in a bikini. Mothers with small babies, with rounded tummies and women happily breastfeeding at the side of the pool.

I saw ladies my Nan’s age wandering around in bikinis. I saw ladies with slim, athletic bodies and less cleavage that me and other with bosoms so big, I was jealous. There was so much variation. Tanned, pale, the not so good sunburnt and those covered in tattoos and others, like me, with none.

I was surprised by it really but it was such a good sight. Well all go on holiday to be in that lovely bubble, to relax and not have to worry about anything for a few days. If you have children, you can focus some of your energy on watching them have the time of their lives in the pool and scoffing ice-cream. While resting on a pool lounger, you may even get to read a few pages of a book, swim or even sleep. There isn’t really any time for worrying about what people think about you and from what I saw abroad, nobody cared anyway!

Everyone was in their little family, holiday cocoon and, as a people watcher, I really enjoyed watching their moments, as well as having my own.

I didn’t write this post to make people who may have confidence issues feel they are being ridiculous having these issues. If course not. You cannot help how you feel BUT I did write this post to push you to try not to worry. If you are debating a tankini vs. a bikini, go for that bikini if you will feel cooler. Don’t worry about being a milk bottle like me, if you don’t tan. People seem genuinely in their own little happy worlds and not interested in what other people look like.

So embrace your holiday body. Wear what you feel good in or like the best and enjoy that break!




  1. July 11, 2018 / 1:16 pm

    That’s great you saw people of all ages and sizes just living their lives and wearing what they want! I love that! And you’re right – we all have something about our bodies we would like to change!! #bloggersbest


  2. July 11, 2018 / 2:53 pm

    We are all different and even the most perfect person still has hangups. Embrace who you are! #bloggersbest

  3. July 11, 2018 / 3:08 pm

    Everyone has hangups about their bodies. I have mine and working on them. I love that people can just go as they are.

  4. July 11, 2018 / 6:25 pm

    Absolutely, we shouldn’t care while away you’re there to enjoy yourself and have a fab time 🙂 #BloggersBests

  5. July 11, 2018 / 7:59 pm

    I’m off in holidays soon and I have to admit; I’ve bought a one piece as I just can’t face getting my belly out! I don’t particularly care but when you have teenagers….well let’s just say they are like toddlers and have no filter sometimes! Your holiday looked lovely. #bloggersbest

  6. July 11, 2018 / 8:32 pm

    This is something I am learning to do. I am learning that my size does not determine my worth as a person #bloggersbest

  7. July 11, 2018 / 9:57 pm

    I am the first to go on holiday and not give a hoot how I look but worry when I’m home. I wish I could get that holiday mentality year round!! #bloggersbest

  8. July 12, 2018 / 12:34 pm

    Great post! I agree that there’s always going to be something that you wish you can change about your body and you really should love what you have. People start doing plastic surgery to “fix” things they don’t like and end up look worse than they did before. You can insert a ton of Celebrity names here! So many of them end up looking like totally different people as they age because they try to stay looking young. I hate getting older and I hate the wrinkles that are forming and the grey hairs I pluck out but it’s a part of life and a part of getting older that I have to accept. One day I won’t be able to get the few greys and one day I will have to just let me hair grey! #Bloggersbest

  9. July 12, 2018 / 6:34 pm

    Well that sounds like a place to add to our travel bucket list! I love visiting places that are not wrapped up in the judgmental society that has been growing over the last few decades. This sounds like an absolutely refreshing vacation!

  10. July 13, 2018 / 1:30 pm

    What an inspiring post. I absolutely agree with you – we’re too self-conscious and constantly picking flaws in our own bodies. I do it nearly every day. I just need to keep reminding myself that no one cares – so why am I so obsessed with it? Especially on holiday – everyone is too busy enjoying themselves than talking about what I look like! #bloggersbest

  11. Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
    July 17, 2018 / 2:23 pm

    I get so annoyed when people make judgements of others. I am a size 8 but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a wobbly tum, stretchmarks and cellulite! I think we need to stop airbrushing real bodies and be content with what we have ( my small boobs excluded 🙂 ) #bloggersbest

  12. July 17, 2018 / 4:19 pm

    I find the older I get the less I care! Which isn’t necessarily a good thing though as things are starting to slide…! #bloggersbest