My Christmas Bucket List

stop believing in Santa

I haven’t really ever done bucket lists before and I can’t believe I am writing about the C word but yes Christmas is on the horizon and I already can’t help getting a tad excited. The beauty of blogging and some last year shopping means I already have some gifts stashed away for the girls or will be on their way soon!

When I think about Christmas my thoughts are always filled with family, traditions, food and lots of exciting surprises. I’ve started thinking about the things I would like to do at Christmas. Certainly not all of these are for one year but definitely for the future!

– Visit a National Trust all decorated and festive. I think we may have managed this last year but I do feel we always forget! I love seeing the properties all kitted out and beautiful. Really gets me in the mood.

– See a Christmas show or the pantomime. The gremlin is getting older now and I would love to take her to a show. I’m sure she and I would probably love it and be some fab mummy-daughter time.

– Go to see Santa in Lapland. I know of others who have done this but the thought of the kid’s faces, the snow and the magic would be incredible.

– Have a Santa breakfast. I’ve done this before with a local garden centre when Piglet was tiny. It was such a lovely experience for the gremlin; she was so excited and the food was great!!!

– Watch a Christmas film with the fire on, a pot of tea and snacks and cuddles with my littlies. This is my gremlin’s fave thing to do after we have headed out in the cold for the day. Hubby and I have actually already watched Bad Mom’s Christmas!!

– Go ice skating. Even though I can’t right now and have dodgy knees, I’m sure the gremlin would love it and our local town has a rink usually.

– Hit a Christmas market without the kids!! I’m not going to lie; Christmas markets with a buggy is my idea of hell but hubby and I going is a lot more fun! I love the food but can’t stand the drinks!

– Go to a Christmas light switch on! I used to do this when I was younger loads and it marked the start of me getting ridiculously excited! We definitely need to do this with the little ones.

– Help out at the school fayre. It wouldn’t be Christmas without helping out at the school fayre, likely tired and hungover as one of my Christmas dos was the night before!!

– Watch Santa go by the house courtesy of our local round Table! Last year I missed it and I was a bit sad!

– Have a day house Christmas party! We have done this before when I couldn’t go on a Christmas do as was still breastfeeding. I really enjoyed it. We had friends round, decorated biscuits and had mulled wine! The gremlin still calls it her Christmas party now!!

I think this list could go on forever. I have so many things I love to do at Christmas and so many things I would still like to do. It’s so exciting thinking about it.

Well, it is the most wonderful time of the year!

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.
