Fitting Exercise Into a Busy Family Schedule

Fitting Exercise Into a Busy Family Schedule
this is a collaborative post.

From the moment you have kids, your life begins to revolve around them. You prioritise their wants and needs. You make sure that they have absolutely everything they could possibly require to grow into fit, healthy, and happy adults. So, it’s not all too surprising that the majority of the planning we put into exercise routines tends to revolve around our little ones’ exercise routines. We plan dance classes, bike rides, basketball matches, attendance at track and field events… the list seems to go on and on. This is all well and good. But you do need to remember that you need to exercise too. It is recommended that the average adult gets one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week or seventy five minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise a week. So, how can you go about fitting this into your busy family schedule? Here are a few tips and tricks to help you achieve a good balance!

Invest in What You Need

We tend to be frugal with ourselves. Money spent on ourselves could be better spent on our kids, right? Well, you can’t always take that approach to life. Sometimes, you really do need to invest in your exercise regime to get the most out of it. So, make sure to fork out for what you need. Whether that’s a flexible gym membership that allows you to attend at any time of the day and night, or bodybuilding clothes that can help you to get the full workout without limiting yourself with standard gymwear. Treat yourself in this area.

Consider Personal Training

It’s extremely easy to put off your exercise routine when you have kids. Not only will you be tired out from the general demands that come hand in hand with parenting, but other things are likely to crop up all the time. You are more likely than most to procrastinate and put the gym off, or put the gym off for the sake of helping somebody else out or running an extra errand. By pairing up with a personal trainer, you are less likely to skip sessions. Not only will you end up wasting money if you do so, but you will have to explain yourself to someone who is genuinely invested in your health and wellbeing too.

Consider Joint Exercise

If you find it difficult to get time away from the kids in order to exercise (who wants to pay for childcare so that they can work out?), you could always consider Exercise for healthy joints. This is exercise that you can carry out with your little ones, ensuring that you all stay in shape together. Plan a family walk around the park each evening. Go swimming as a group on the weekends. Play a round of cricket at the local recreation centre. Not only can these activities be a great opportunity for bonding, but it ensures that everyone is active too!

Sure, it may be difficult to fit exercise into a jam packed family routine. But it is essential. So, start focusing on it!

