I’m over 6 weeks post partum now with the little guy and although I’ve not had my six week check yet (late booking!!) I’m back at the gym and ready to get my pre-baby body back. Ok, maybe my pre-baby fitness.
This was me straight after giving birth. That little squidgy pouch is something I never forget! It’s gone down a lot in the last 6 weeks.
I always worry about writing about my fitness journey a little on the blog, as for some it’s frowned upon to care about your looks and your body after a baby. But I do, always have done. Fitness of a massive part of my life and a busy life with three kids; including a newborn isn’t going to stop me!! Maybe it’s vanity but I know my body and I know my limitations with getting older (eek) but I want to get back to my pre baby bod if possible.
I know it’s going to take a bit of work too.
I reckon I’m probably over half a stone over where I want to be weight wise but have a little way to go with toning and getting back in shape. I’m struggling a little with knee pain (an ongoing issue that may need physio again) so focusing on bum strengthening, weights and some cardio. I often find the early days with a baby, you do sit down a lot, so trying to walk where I can too and need to get the FitBit going again as well.
I also have some good motivation, a holiday to Croatia in June. I want to get my bod in a bikini and feel confident.
I didn’t think I would manage to get the gym much during the week days either and would have to rely on YouTube regularly. I’d got myself some dumbbells and I love the US fitness channel Pop Sugar; there are some fab workouts to suit all time schedules, abilities and workout needs. However, we’ve managed to get me going to the gym, despite three kids in the morning, breastfeeding and the school run 5 days a week. I tend to take Piglet to nursery, hubby takes the gremlin to school and as long as I’ve fed the little. guy, I can get away with a workout before hubby starts work.
Diet is also important too. Im ensuring I only eat when I’m hungry. I start the day with a boiled egg and toast, lunch is usually salad and egg, chicken, tuna or hummus. The evening meal varies and can be curry, chilli, pasta, risotto or Thai dishes. Snacks and pudds are fruit, yoghurt, nuts and dried fruit and scones. I’m enjoying the odd glass of wine again too!
I’m really enjoying working out again, training with the chap I usually do and having some time out and head space. Working out is fabulous for mental health too and I’m keeping an eye on this too, after horrible anxiety 3 months post partum after Piglet. As a Mum it’s so important to have time for you when looking after children and a household. You are just as important, to keep happy and healthy.
So I’m on it for the time being; well as on it as I can be with a 6 week old!
Will keep you posted.