When You Don’t Like Christmas – Over 25 Reasons Why!

don't like Christmas

I have always loved Christmas. Granted it does get a tad more stressful as you get older and have kids but ultimately it’s still amazing. I even like the Elf on The Shelf! The excitement, the family time, the presents, the wine…ah the list goes on. But for some, they don’t like Christmas or they don’t like parts of it. There are some parts to Christmas that are basically crap. That are not really that good. For me (and yes I’m serious) it’s the traditional food. Yep, I can’t stand it. Mulled wine, mulled cider, cranberry sauce, Christmas Pudding, mince pies, brandy sauce, sprouts and most definitely not stuffing! I really dislike the lot. I end up having ice-cream for pudding on Christmas Day. A lot of people would look at me like I am truly insane but I just can’t make myself like Christmas food!

Am I crazy? Maybe but I decided to ask a group of bloggers why they DON’T like Christmas and this is what they said!

Elf Arrival Ideas - Pop Ups with Elf on the Shelf

Don’t Like Christmas? Why?

“I don’t like enforced merriment. Sometimes people are depressed. At Christmas you hear lots of ‘cheer up’ ‘it’s Christmas smile’ etc. That annoys me.” Katy from Katykicker.

“Carol singers – I actually dread people turning up at my door to sing awful songs out of tune.” Lyndsey from Me, Him the Dog and a Baby.

“The crowds everywhere we go!” Jennifer from My Mummy’s Pennies. (Though not the case this 2020)

“The constant supermarket adverts. I like them at first but by Christmas Eve when I know all the words and jingles I feel On the edge of insanity!” Emma from Ready, Freddie, Go.

“I don’t like Christmas shopping. Everywhere is so busy and people get vicious.” Kirsty from Winnettes.

“Having to practise my “I love this!” Face….my husband’s family do gifts one at a time whilst everyone watches and I really struggle with it…I grew up just diving in at the same time as my siblings.” Sarah from Arthurwears.

” I don’t like the mad rush to see everyone! But then it wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t… Oh sod it, I probably love it really!” Hayley from Devon Mama. (Something we this year won’t be doing sadly).

“Secret Santa! It’s always hard buying for colleagues but I hate that some people put in lots of effort and some people don’t – ruins the spirit of it. I’d rather just not do it at all.” Abi from Something About Baby.

“Writing Christmas cards. I find I end up feeling like there is no sentiment behind it when I’ve repeated myself so much. Now we donate to charity instead and only send a few.” Rebecca from Wishes and Wellies.

“Santa. When is it ever ok for a big man in red to visit a kids room at night?! I mean come on..” Laura from Saving 4 Savvy Mums.

“Trying to negotiate the shops with two children who want ALL the toys for 6 weeks before Christmas!” Sarah from Toby Goes Bananas.

“Christmas without my boys ~ this year it’s their dads turn to wake up with them and while I’m glad we share them, waking up without them is horrid. Role on next year!”  Charlie from Our Altered Life.

“Crappy Xmas TV! There’s only so many times I can watch the same stuff over and over again!” Jenna from And Then There Were Three.

“Christmas pudding….. gross gross gross!! I pretty much adore everything else… well apart from our bank balance!! ” Lucie from Our World and Autism.

“All that stollen and lebkuechen you can get in aldi and Lidl. I lived in Germany years ago and ate too much then! Bluergh!” Emma from Me and B Make Tea.

“Present reciprocation! Especially for the last minute present-givers. I would like to give something to a friend that I think they’d like without them having to give something back and vice versa.” Victoria from The Growing Mum.

“rapping presents is a love/hate thing for me. The image is of perfectly wrapped presents while sipping mulled wine. The reality is wrapping paper everywhere, sellotape hanging off everything, and one frustrated mama!” Helen from Natural Beauty with Baby.

“I love every single thing about Christmas – apart from the spending money!” Rachel from Coffee, Cake and Kids.

“Having to see EVERYONE. It’s always so stressful trying to fit everyone in.” Leanne from A Slice of My life in Wales.

“All the Christmas stuff that goes on at school and always on my working days so i have to ask for countless afternoons/mornings off during December! I love all the school stiff but can be hard to keep track!” Helen from Blogging Beautifully.

“Chocolate advent calendars – because how can you make a toddler understand you can only eat ONE a day? Cue a meltdown every single morning!” Natalie from Crummy Mummy.

“I adore everything about Christmas now I have children. The only bit I hate, after all the ( prolonged?) excitement, build up and anticipation is when it’s suddenly all over with. Sometimes can feel a bit of an anti climax!” Vicki from Family Travel with Ellie.

“I love Christmas but I hate the pressure of trying to get everything perfect. So much importance is put on Christmas from the right gifts to a wonderful meal and excellent hosting skills that sometimes it just gets a bit too much.” Terri from The Strawberry Fountain.

“The washing up after Christmas dinner – though not as bad now we have a dishwasher!” Stacey from Stacey in the Sticks.

“The fact that my house looks like a glitter explosion….even months afterwards!! Last year I even found glitter in the fridge!” Laura from Five Little Doves.

“Gaining weight!!” Jen from Just Average Jen.

Baaaaa Humbug? Or do you agree with any of these?

Would love to know!!

Don't Like Christmas - 25 Reasons Why



  1. December 4, 2017 / 7:55 am

    Great post! Thanks so much for including mine…& it’s about to happen again!

  2. December 5, 2017 / 10:37 pm

    Anything mulled should be outlawed. Bagsie, no returns. And yes, the overdoing it on rich food is a bit much for me. I genuinely like to give at Christmas and try to instill this in my kids.

  3. December 6, 2017 / 6:20 am

    I remember you saying you hate all Christmas food. Mulled wine is where it’s at. As for an oversized roast dinner or Turkey well I’d happily pass! #bloggersbest x

  4. Chloe
    December 6, 2017 / 6:39 am

    Hi, love this post great to read more readjusting and honest opinions relating to Christmas. We are always lucky with our secret Santa and I do confess to liking a little mulled wine #bloggersbest

  5. December 6, 2017 / 7:07 am

    We do Christmas dinner our own way with just the bits we like. I hate Christmas shopping and the crowds, hurrah for the internet #bloggersbest

  6. December 6, 2017 / 9:04 am

    What a great idea for a post! We all usually talk about what we like but not what we don’t like at this time of year. I don’t like how busy the shops get and I agree about Secret Santa. If you get someone you know well it’s great, if not it can be stressful and you end up buying any old thing because you have to! #Bloggersbest

  7. December 6, 2017 / 9:06 am

    Great idea for a post! I don’t like how busy the shops get or secret santa. It’s okay if you get someone you know well, but when it’s someone you don’t it can be so stressful! #Bloggersbest

  8. December 6, 2017 / 9:06 am

    Great idea for a post! I don’t like how busy the shops get or secret santa. It’s okay if you get someone you know well, but when it’s someone you don’t it can be so stressful! #Bloggersbest

  9. December 6, 2017 / 6:09 pm

    Oh, I totally agree with some of these! It’s tough to fit everything and everyone in, though that doesn’t stress me out TOO much. I agree about not liking to wrap gifts though. I’m awful at it. And I don’t really like traditional food either – in the U.S., I pretty much hate all Thanksgiving food. LOL #bloggersbest


  10. December 7, 2017 / 8:00 pm

    Christmas shopping is horrid! I am very thankful for Amazon! I am definitely against the opening presents one at a time while everyone watches! That makes my anxiety and the fact that I’m n introvert VERY apparent.
    Thanks for the fun post!

  11. December 8, 2017 / 12:45 am

    Every single food you mentioned in your hate list is also on mine! Hubster and I cook up a prime rib and serve with au gratin cheesy potatoes. It’s the best! #BloggersBest

  12. Su Chanprasong
    December 8, 2017 / 9:53 am

    The need to buy for the sake of buying annoys me. It seems to be a competition as to who’s spent the most. Su #bloggersbest

  13. December 10, 2017 / 10:02 pm

    How expensive it is, erghhhhhh!! Fab post hun πŸ™‚ #BloggersBests

  14. Musings of a tired mummy...zzz...
    December 12, 2017 / 12:55 pm

    I’m not a big fan of Christmas pud but slathered in alcoholic cream it’s fab πŸ™‚ #bloggersbest

  15. December 12, 2017 / 8:37 pm

    Read it again & love it even more! #bloggersbest