Can You Take Supplements When You’re Pregnant? We Discuss

Can You Take Supplements When You’re Pregnant? We Discuss

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

The dos and do nots of pregnancy are largely common knowledge. Everyone knows not to drink alcohol or smoke when pregnant as this could harm your baby, plus these substances do not have any positive effects on your body. But what about the things you do need?

Each new mum will experience pregnancy differently. Carrying a child takes a toll on your body, and this usually manifests itself as a lack of critical vitamins in your body. For example, being over-tired when pregnant is often caused by a vitamin C or iron deficiency. There are supplements out there that can remedy these issues, but which ones can you take? This article will act as your guide to find out the supplements you should and should not take when pregnant.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most crucial nutrients that your body needs. It is responsible for maintaining our body’s phosphate and calcium levels, the two chemicals required for healthy bones and muscles, giving you the strength to cope with everyday life. Vitamin D can be found in some food, such as fish; however, our main source of the nutrient comes from exposure to natural sunlight.

As you can see, Vitamin D will be extremely important for your child’s development during their first few months. You can take Vitamin D supplements when pregnant, but it is important to discuss this with your doctor. They will recommend that you should ingest around ten micrograms of this vitamin each day, which means they may ask you to take supplements if you fall below this threshold.

Vitamin C

Another crucial nutrient that you should be made aware of is Vitamin C. It comes from eating fruits and vegetables and it protects your body from disease. Unfortunately, too much of this nutrient can be harmful to your stomach. It is recommended that you should not ingest more than eighteen hundred milligrams of Vitamin C a day, but this can be hard to monitor.

Therefore, you may find it more beneficial to look into prenatal vitamins. These supplements are designed to provide the right balance of nutrients for pregnant women. You can find prenatal multi-vitamins from experts such as Needed. These can ensure you and your baby get everything you need to stay healthy. Prenatal supplements are safe to take, and they contain Vitamins C, D, B, and E, as well as iodine and zinc.


Zinc is the nutrient responsible for restoring your immune system. In other words, you need plenty of zinc in your diet to fight illnesses and infections. You can find zinc in both red and white meat. This means that you will find it in most dishes, and it is very important to receive during pregnancy. A zinc deficiency makes you susceptible to becoming sick, which means that your body is prepared to provide ample health for the baby you are carrying.

Unfortunately, too much zinc can cause you to feel nauseous and leads to headaches or stomach cramps. That is why you should not take direct zinc supplements when pregnant but instead use prenatal vitamins, as discussed above.


There may not be another nutrient quite as vital during pregnancy as Iron. This nutrient is needed to make hemoglobin, the substance required for the transference of oxygen around the body. Since you are breathing for two, you must get enough iron in your blood. A lack of iron can make you feel tired and stiffen your joints, a part of your body that is under great stress during pregnancy.

In most red meats and green vegetables, you will find iron, two staples of a healthy diet. It is important to receive a minimum of twenty-seven milligrams of Iron every day, which is why most doctors will prescribe iron supplements to those with an Iron deficiency. For example, anyone with anemia will struggle to reach this requirement. However, it can be harmful to your baby if you ingest too much Iron over time, so always check with your doctor before opting to use Iron supplements.

Folic Acid

You will find rows of Folic Acid supplements lining the walls of every health or body shop and for good reason. This nutrient can assist in the production of red blood cells, the main duty of iron. These cells carry the oxygen through your blood to deliver it to all of your crucial organs. It is the perfect substitute for iron; however, it is difficult to find in everyday foods. There are small amounts of Folic acids in bread and pasta, but these items are full of carbohydrates. Too many carbs can leave you feeling bloated or lethargic, two conditions that you should avoid when pregnant.

Therefore, you are better served to take folic acid supplements. What’s more, folic acid can also help reduce the risk of spinal cord defects, an issue responsible for conditions such as cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy.


All of the nutrients mentioned in this article have been related to the everyday functions of your body. However, pregnancy comes with some symptoms that you won’t normally face. One problem that arises during your first trimester is heavy nausea and morning sickness. In some cases, this sickness can be debilitating.

Fortunately, scientists have proved that the ginger herb is effective enough to relieve nausea. This herb can be eaten, ingested as an herbal remedy, or taken as a supplement. Current studies have found that there are no negative side effects from using ginger as nausea represent; however, there isn’t much conclusive evidence about a maximum dosage. Therefore, you may want to consult your doctor about whether ginger is an acceptable solution for your morning sickness.


Pregnancy puts a remarkable strain on your body; however, this negative consequence is worth it in the end. Try to ensure that you are getting the right amount of nutrients so that you and your baby remain as healthy as possible. Articles like this are great for a quick check-up, but always make sure that you take the advice of trained medical professionals before starting a regular course of supplements. You may want to check out for some supplements to help you through your pregnancy.

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.

