My little man is obsessed with cars. I have talked about this before but it is so odd after having two girls who weren’t as fussed, to now have a little boy who loves them. He can recognise car manufacturers and loves to tell us as he wanders down the street and he asks me to buy him a new car toy, every time we go out! His older sister has started to get more involved, under the influence of her baby brother, so I knew they would both be really keen on T-Racer Turbo Wheels!
What are T-Racers Turbo Wheels?
You can buy T-Racer Turbo Wheels from Asda, where they currently have a promotional deal, where if you buy 2, you save £2.
T-Racers are collectable and constructible. Kids can have great fun designing and building their own cars by mixing and matching parts. In each T-Racer there are 5 different parts and you can collect 16 different one, which means 500 plus vehicle combinations. There is an ultra-rare one to find too and each part of the vehicle has a special power.
What I really liked about this product was the packaging with mainly paper (main box and blind bags) and easier to recycle. I feel there is so much plastic usually.
They usually retail around £7 and aimed at children aged 3 years and over.
Perfect for my younger two!
Unboxing the T-Racers
The kids were so excited to do this, especially as I’d kept them hidden!
One Saturday morning after lunch we opened the packs. You get some paper blind bags with the 5 parts of the T-Racers in each one. The front, rear, cockpit, wheels, and driver. Blind bags are always a winner with my kids. I think they are with most kids! So exciting to open and see what you have got.
We opened each blind bag to reveal what they had. You can see one below that belonged to my little man. You can start to see when you have more than one, you can mix them around. The box is great to display your vehicle on or keep your parts.
It is very straight forward to put the T-Racers together. My little man had no issues but he was a bit of a nightmare at losing the wheels.
They are another one of those toys you may want a little box to keep all the parts, especially if not keeping the cars built all the time.
Our Thoughts
My kids loved the T-Racer Turbo Wheels. They are one of the best things we have received in a while. My middle daughter took hers everywhere; to the cinema and to her best mate’s house.
I loved the eco-friendly packaging and how cool the designs of the cars were. My little man loved the mixing and matching aspect and spent ages pulling the cars apart and re-building them. My quiet and perfectionist daughter preferred her original car and driver and wanted to keep everything the same.
The cars are sturdy and easy for little hands. I would just bear in mind the little wheels can go walkabouts but my little man is only 3, so a little less responsible.
They are reasonably priced and of course some great deals on right now at Asda. This makes it easy for little ones wanting to collect them, as not too expensive.
A really lovely, original collectable and went down a storm with my pair.
Disclosure – we received this product in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own.