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The Things I Had Forgotten about Pregnancy

I am getting towards the end of my second pregnancy and probably like most Mamas, am starting to reflect on the pregnancy as a whole. Biggest thing I have thought? How bloody clever the human body is and that there was so many things I had forgotten about pregnancy. I’m not even at the labour stage to make a comment either! I think some of these things also come into the category “what they don’t tell you about pregnancy”!

Don’t get me wrong I love being pregnant. I love the way I look, the baby movements, the excitement and just the glow. It is an awesome time and I am lucky not to suffer much.

what had I forgotten about pregnancy

However, there are just some little niggles that I won’t miss!

I’m sure many of you second and onwards-time Mums can relate? What had I forgotten about pregnancy?

  • The initial nausea of the first 12-16 weeks. I knew I had it the first time. I remember I ate a LOT but I can’t remember how genuinely sick I felt for those 3 months, combined with that vile taste in your mouth.
  • I can’t see to shave. I like a neat lady garden (not that it stays that neat with all that baby pressure!) and I can’t see it?! When I went into labour with the gremlin I had completely missed a patch. The midwife must have thought I was nuts.
  • I have no abs and therefore I cannot just sit up. I had a scan this week and kind of had to sideways roll to get off the bed. Again the midwife must have thought I was nuts.
  • Getting up 4 times a night to wee is perfectly normal. I’d just forgotten how annoying it is.
  • I do tend to just get on with the niggles but I had forgotten how intense baby movements are, how tight Braxton Hicks can be, the sharp pain that comes in your lower back or bladder when the baby moves and how hard it is to eat when your stomach is like a boulder.
  • How restless I am! At night my legs feel uncomfy sometimes and I have had to resort to the spare room or would have wiggled all night.
  • The rage. It hasn’t actually happened that many times this pregnancy but the rage that builds up from no-where, usually directed at my husband, is insane.
  • The complete inability to pick things off the floor without doing a perfect squat. This is harder this time with a gremlin that leaves stuff everywhere.
  • I have no clothes. I rotate the same few outfits. I stare longingly into New Look, River Island, Top Shop and drool at the things I can’t buy. I love being preggers but I miss my skinnies.
  • Being hot. I have been pregnant in the summer both times and I do get hot and sweaty. I haven’t slept under a duvet for weeks and I shower in the morning and bath with the gremlin at night. Sweaty betty.
  • My boobs touch my stomach and kind of rub. Enough said.
  • An itchy bump. My stomach just itches and it is hard to go to town scratching as the baby has a mental wiggle fit.

Sometimes you do not know what to expect when you get pregnant or you conveniently forget for the next time. I think something are seriously not spoken about! There were other bits I could write about but maybe a little TMI for some!

I think the human body is very clever at making you forget and looking back at it all with rose-tinted glasses.

It is a magical time but there are some bits I will probably forget again in a hurry!!

Anymore for my list? What had you forgotten about pregnancy?



  1. Rach
    September 9, 2016 / 6:44 am

    I’ve totally forgotten what it feels like to be pregnant! It was 3 years ago and although aside from SPD I didn’t have it too tough, I remember really feeling it in the last few weeks but the pain etc I can’t remember what that felt like.
    Lovely photos and a post that is sure to resonate with loads of mums #binkylinky

  2. Cheryl @ ReimerandRuby
    September 9, 2016 / 8:28 am

    I have totally forgotten all of these too… In fact, I’ve forgotten them all since I delivered a baby. Although the stretchmarks in my tummy are still visible but the moment when it started to develop was utterly unremembered. #binkylinky

  3. September 9, 2016 / 9:51 am

    It is clever at making you forget, and yes, I can relate to all of these! The rolling to get up was frustrating! Thanks for sharing with #WotW x

  4. September 9, 2016 / 12:03 pm

    Oh gosh! I had forgotten about some of these too….It’s just over 9 years since I was last pregnant which seems such a long time ago…. #WotW

  5. September 9, 2016 / 1:57 pm

    At least you will forget it all again, soon. I’ve had three and it always felt like I was starting all over again. Hope you enjoy the last few weeks.. #wotw

  6. September 9, 2016 / 2:16 pm

    Six years since my last and the only thing I had forgotten from your list was the itchiness. My mum used to say it meant the baby had lots of hair – old wives tale of course. And no, it’s not because I remember that I haven’t had any more children, it’s because I’m too old now 😉

  7. September 9, 2016 / 7:01 pm

    My would be similar – but also completely different! I guess thats the thing about pregnancy though, everyone does it differently. I’ve already started to get rose tinted glasses on about certain things….. starting to wonder if I was just being a wimp about the carpal tunnel (I definitely wasn’t – that shit was hard painful) and was a REEEEEALLY sick as much as I thought I was? (I was, oh god I never thought it would end at the time)

    Perhaps I should think about this less or Piglet will never get a sibling!

    • September 9, 2016 / 7:01 pm

      Whoops – forgot to say I was visiting from #binkylinky

  8. September 9, 2016 / 7:58 pm

    Lol @ your boobs touch your belly……..mine do that anyways especially after 2 babies haha! Thanks for the giggle Saz. Popping over from the #binkylinky

  9. September 10, 2016 / 5:18 am

    I can relate to a few on your list – the things that I remember forgetting about were the nausea, the tiredness and getting up to wee. I’m sure I experienced the others on your list too but three years on I’ve forgotten! #WotW

  10. September 10, 2016 / 1:50 pm

    Im going to tell you a secret. In the house that we are renting while I am pregnant the toilet is outside the house so I have this pail/bucket near the bed and I pee on it as no potty is big enough for my wee =P

    Your post made me remember that. How embarrassing haha! #wotw

  11. September 10, 2016 / 4:19 pm

    The morning sickness was not good and I can still remember that well! #wotw

  12. September 11, 2016 / 10:23 am

    It’s so funny isn’t it! I remember being SO uncomfortable, unable to bend, sit up, or eat a lot due to being so huge – but all I really remember are the amazing movements (when they aren’t stuck up in your ribs), and growing bump. I can’t wait to do it again! xx #sundaybest

  13. Nige
    September 11, 2016 / 11:59 am

    Fab post I’m sure there’s a reason for forgetting otherwise you might not do it again Thanks for linking to the #binkylinky come back next week please

  14. September 11, 2016 / 2:24 pm

    You have been so far on through out this really hot summer must have been tough. I was still shocked by all this when I was expecting my third!!! Honestly not sue why it was a surprise to me. The sickness oh my it’s just awful and then trying to feed hungry children was when I really sufferd. Not long now must be exciting #sundaybest

  15. September 11, 2016 / 9:31 pm

    I’ve only been pregnant once but I totally miss my bump. So lovely to feel life inside you. It blows my mind if I think too much about it. I remember being out of breath a lot though and missing the odd glass of wine. It’s funny how pregnancy is all-consuming when you’re going through it, but you forget so much so quickly. x #SundayBest

  16. September 12, 2016 / 11:37 am

    I fpound myself wearing the same old clothes too! I got so fed up in the end nothing was fitting and all my leggings were ripping because my bump was stretching them too much 🙁

  17. September 12, 2016 / 12:35 pm

    It is so easy to forget these things when your little bundle of cute gorgeousness arrives. I think it’s natures way of increasing the population, if we didn’t forget, many wouldn’t do it again. #Wotw

  18. September 18, 2016 / 7:38 pm

    You are so right. I only had Little Mister H 10 weeks ago and I have already completely forgotten what it was like to be pregnant. I found the general whirlwind of my emotions so hard each time. Not know whether I would laugh or cry. Or sometimes both at the same time. Pregnancy is awesome. The body does an amazing job. But it does screw with you right royally as well. #SundayBest Hugs Lucy xxxx