The Gremlin’s 4th Birthday with Num Noms

The gremlin is 4! I can’t actually believe it. We had such a brilliant party weekend for her and I thought I would showcase some of the day (it’s tricky as I can’t show many photos, as so many other children!).

We started the day with presents as you do. She had some amazing things including some dress up clothes, books and even an Amazon Dot for her music. She also received some Num Noms to review and I thought I would tell you a little about them here.

The Num Noms Dessert Tray

The series 4 Num Noms collection are available which include two glitter lips glosses. You get 9 beautifully scented Num Noms which are visible, plus a surprise one which is wrapped up. The design is based on a tray of delicious desserts!

They are recommended from age 3 and upwards.

I’d never really seen this before apart from in the shops and I was amazed at the scents; all types of cakes with lemon, chocolate chip and mint flavours to give some examples. The gremlin loved them.

She was really excited by the secret one she had to unwrap.

I just can’t get over how amazing they smell and since her birthday we have had some fun games with them, including shops and taking them on holiday (!) The lipgloss always goes down a treat with my gremlin, so overall it was a winner of a present!

The Rest of the Day

The gremlin had an awesome birthday. As it was a Saturday this year, her party was on the same day. We loosely had a fancy dress theme, with some Minnie Mouse elements. We hired a bouncy castle, which was a disco dome with music and it looked amazing. The weather was hot and sunny so everyone could chill outside.

After present opening and breakfast family started to arrive and we started to dress up. I was Batgirl and the gremlin was Spidergirl. Hubby didn’t dress up – misery guts! My Mum was Minnie Mouse and Piglet wore a beautiful dress that the gremlin wore when my Mum and step Dad got married.

I barely have any photos of the day as I was ran ragged!

We had about 15 kids and 20 adults. There was a lot of bouncing, food and ice-cream. We didn’t even end up playing any games as the castle and the gremlin’s birthday presents kept the kid’s entertained.

The food was simple; pizza, sandwiches, fruit, party rings and ice-cream. The gremlin had a Minnie Mouse cake and she loved everyone singing happy birthday.

The 2 hours flew and soon everyone was leaving. Family and some friends stayed and I ended up drinking more Prosecco than I should have with Helen from Blogging Beautifully.

Overall it was a lovely day. The gremlin was spoilt rotten and Hubby and I were asleep at 9.30pm.

Past it eh?

Disclosure – we were provided with the Num Noms free of charge. All thoughts and opinions are our own.
