I love a good Christmas drink.I’m not a huge drinker at all. Since having children, I find I can’t drink much at all anymore. The hangover is just not worth it and it makes me feel pretty rough. However, I’m pretty good at taking it steady and enjoying a drink, especially a boozy Christmas drink. I love chatting to others about boozy Christmas drink ideas.
When I wrote this post, Christmas was going to be a tough one. Pregnant and not really able to have a boozy Christmas at all! However, it was only one year and now I’m back to being able to enjoy a drink sensibly.
You may enjoy these other Christmassy foody posts – Christmas Dessert Ideas and how to Cook Christmas Vegetables.
Boozy Christmas Drink Ideas
I often wonder what other people have as their favourite Christmas drink. Maybe some gin Just Minatures or like me Dubonet and lemonade during the day and Asti Spumante with my Christmas dinner (and yes some people haven’t even heard of those!!) It’s funny the drinks that come out of the woodwork at Christmas and you do the same thing every year! I’m sure my hubby likes his sherry and port.
I asked a group of bloggers what their favourite Boozy Christmas ideas were and I got some very different answers! I hope they can inspire you if you like a tipple over the festive period:
“Mulled wine….yummyyyyyy! It just sums up all things festive.” Helen from Blogging Beautifully.
“You can’t beat a good eggnog made with quality Cognac! Here’s how: Whisk together 3 egg yolks, until frothy. Add in 1 cup of milk (almond can be used), 1/2 cup of cream, 1/8 cup of caster sugar, 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla and keep whisking. Once combined add 1/8 of dark rum and 1/2 a cup of cognac. Add a pinch of cinnamon to the top once serving” Katy from Allergy Free Day.
“Mulled white wine!” There is a lovely recipe from Jenny at The Gingerbread House if you want to try this for yourself!
“I love a Bucks Fizz, especially on Christmas morning!” Lyndsay from Me, Him, The Dog and a Baby.
“Snowball is my fave! Advocat and Lemonade! Looking forward to a few this year!” Siobhan from the Baby Boat Diaries.
“A smoke bloody mary”” This sounds really interesting from Becky at Eat Simply. You can try her recipe too if you fancy!
“A Hot Toddy is our Boxing Day drink! A day after the “chaos”, a day to relax and be Merry.” Jada from Unique Young Mum.
“Baileys hot chocolate – the ultimate festive indulgence that warms you up whilst tasting amazing.” Beth from Twinderelmo.
Nadia from Scandimummy has some amazing festive Christmas cocktails to share with us. Check out her delicious recipes and pictures, as they will make you feel very Christmassy!
“Moon landing cocktail. One part vanilla vodka, one part amaretto, one part baileys, one part tia Maria! You’ll be on the floor though!” Clare from Mumsy Midwife.
I’m reading this and now really fancying a quick tipple!
Won’t be this year, hey ho but I hope I have helped to give you some inspiration!
Disclosure – this is a collaborative post