Glimmies Polaris – REVIEW

Glimmies Polaris lit up

Glimmies Polaris are another collectable, almost Christmassy toy that I knew my eldest would love. She is a complete sucker for anything small, cute and that she can make up her imaginary games with.

She was pretty excited with the parcel arrived and we waited for her baby sister to disappear, so we could open the Glimmies Polaris and have good play.

Glimmies Polaris packs

More About Glimmies Polaris

The slogan for these cuties is, “Light up your world with Glimmies!”

This is exactly what they do – light up! All you need to do is blow on them and they glow and light up. The story behind these little fairies is adventure to Polaris, a wonderful place made of ice in Glimmies world! These polar Glimmies only light up in their natural environment and this where you come in and help them to light up!

Glimmies Polaris are aimed at children aged 4 years and up and can be found in Argos and Debenhams.

They come in various pack sizes and with various accessories.

There are triple packs which RRP at £12.99. These come in 2 assorted packs and with 2 exclusive Glimmies.

Glimmies Polaris triple pack

There are twin packs which retail at £8.99.

glimmies polaris twin pack

We were also sent Glimgoo which is a little home for your Glimmies. If you place your Glimmie in the Glimgoo and blow through the roof, it will light up! You can connect all the Glimgloo’s together using their star pins to create the Polaris village. These retail at £8.99.

Finally there is the Glimsled (we were not sent this) which retails at £19.99. This is a way for your Glimmies to get around Polaris. They can go on a sled ride with a cute polar bear cub! Comes with an exclusive Glimmie!

Trying Out The Glimmies Polaris

The gremlin was really keen to know what the cute fairies were called and on the front of the packaging each one is named. We then opened them up and had a go.

They are pretty easy to turn on. You simple pull the bit of plastic out of the back and turn them on. You can see this below.

It was pretty hard to get a picture of my eldest blowing on them, as she was moving faster than the speed of light but here we go. Also you can see in me holding the product, they do light up!

Child holding a lit up Glimmie Polaris

Lit up Glimmie Polaris

Glimmies Polaris lit up

What Did We Think of the Glimmies Polaris?

My gremlin loved them. She really enjoys any toys that come with a like a little house, so she had a blast putting the Glimmies in the Glimgoo and playing her games.

The Glimmies were easy to set up and they worked, as described. I liked the way they glowed and if you blew on them already lit up, they changed colour again. We both thought they were very cute and I thought quiet reasonably priced. They are one of those toys that can be picked up and carried out and incorporated into lots of games.

The only issue we had was one Glimmie stopped working. The gremlin did later admit she had dropped it, so it more likely due to that but was unsure if the battery was dead.

On occasion she told me others weren’t lighting up but I switched them off and on and they worked no bother.

Overall apart from the slight concern the battery life may have been low, we loved the Glimmies Polaris. I like the winter theme and they would make a different present for Christmas!

Disclosure – we were provided with this product in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are our own. 
