Laundry Hacks as a Busy Parent

laundry hacks

AD – Laundry. It really is one of the most time-consuming, annoying aspect of looking after a family. The pile seriously NEVER gets any smaller and this is even worse since having baby number 3. My husband is pretty good and he will put loads on, as he works from home, which is a huge help but still, its a mammoth task. Any laundry hacks help.

My baby boy is very sicky and he has a weepy belly button which means we are changing his clothes pretty frequently! This obviously equates to more washing. Changes can be several times a day.

As a parent you pick up some laundry hacks over time to help with the mammoth pile of washing; to make life that little bit easier and I’m going to share a few with you today:

Laundry Hacks

– Share the load. Literally. Get your other half the help out and have your jobs. my hubby sorts the washing and gets it going. He will hang it out too, as works from home. I often end up helping to bring it in, load and unload the tumble dryer and I am on sorting, ironing and putting away duty!!

– Try and have a laundry routine if you can. Some people prefer to space out their washing over the week or aim to do all one. day. Try and stick to it as helps you feel a bit more in control, if the washing is getting out of control!!!

– Prepare a load the night before. We have a timer on our washing machine and set a lot to finish as we are all getting up. It is then ready to hang up as soon as we have finished breakfast.

– Try not to do half loads and I do get told off for this (unless of course needed if the kids are sick). It can be a bit of a waste of time and energy and doesn’t fully empty your basket.

– Consider a laundry service like Laundryheap. This is an on-demand service for laundry and dry-cleaning. LaundryHeap collects and delivers customer orders for free, within 24 hours to their homes, offices or hotels, depending on when you need it! It’s easy to book an order via the website or an App. So convenient! If you fancy a £7 discount off your first order, use the code RJS7LH.

– After the laundry is dry, try to sort and either put away or put in the ironing pile straight away if you can. To me there is nothing more frustrating than clothes all over the house, waiting to be tidied up.

I know laundry is part and parcel of life and certainly more so when you have a family and children to look after but little tips and tricks can help to make it that little bit easier!

Disclosure – this is a collaborative post.


