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10 Delicious, Easy Vegan Recipes To Try

10 Delicious, Easy Vegan Recipes To Try

Although I have made it quite clear on the blog before that veganuary isn’t something I would do. As a busy Mum of three children and with a husband who wouldn’t give up meat for anything, I knew it would be a big ask for us all! I wouldn’t let my children be vegan regardless, as feel I would struggle to ensure they would meet all their nutritionally needs without supplementation. I also feel it is a choice that they can make when they are older, if they like. Despite this, hubby and I have decided that we would like to try and have plant-based meals and cut down on meat a little by having more vegan recipes.

Vegan Recipes

We already eat fish and have meals like baked eggs but I would like to expand our repertoire for both vegetarian and vegan meals. I tend to choose vegetarian options when we go out for brunch or lunch, as there are some really delicious options you can choose.

I also like the idea of the health benefits of eating less meat, it is more sustainable and it is a good way to try more recipes and meal ideas.

I felt a little clueless and after browsing a little on Pinterest I asked a group of bloggers for some vegan recipe inspiration and they did not disappoint!

Lentil Bake

Karen from Yum Vegan Food has devised this delicious lentil bake recipe. I often feel a little clueless about what to do with lentils, so this is a really good idea. It has a creamy sweet potato mash on top and a delicious, rich lentil and mushroom filling. Perfect for weaning babies too!

vegan lentil bake

Lentil and Sweet Potato Bologanise

This is a recipe that I did manage to devise with lentils and it was mainly for the little man to have as part of his weaning. However hubby and I really quite enjoy my lentil and sweet potato bolognaise and we have it every couple of weeks or so, as a meat-free dish. It is pretty easy to make once prepped and packed with veggies.

Vegan Sausage Rolls

My girls love sausages. I have been trying to cut them down a little and we usually buy a chicken variety with no nitrates but the girls do love mini sausages and sausage rolls, especially at Christmas! Jane from Hodge Podge Days has a tasty recipe for vegan sausage rolls.  These look fab and also look really easy to make! Just need to convince my hubby now.

Barbecue Jackfruit and Pickled Walnut Wraps

I’ve heard a lot about Jackfruit, as some of the patients I look after in my non-blog job have it, as it is low protein. It is also vegan. Jenny from Midwife and Life has this fabulous looking recipe for barbecue jackfruit and pickled walnut wraps that seems really original andI bet delicious. I like the sound of the paprika in it!

Vegan Chickpea Curry

I love chickpeas but again we don’t eat them that often, as don’t always know what to do with them. Wendy from Daisies and Pie has a very tasty looking recipe for vegan chickpea curry. The herbs and spices sound delicious and it’s tomato based which I love. This will be packed with fibre which we all need more of.

vegan chickpea curry

Vegan Chilli

We are huge fans of chilli in our house, so I liked the idea of trying a vegan version. Victoria from Healthy Vix has a perfect vegan chilli recipe and talks about the health benefits of chilli flakes. This recipe is full of beans and as also packed with fibre again. It looks amazing!

vegan chilli

Easy Chunky Veg Vegan Soup

Victoria also has a recipe for easy chunky veg vegan soup on Lylia Rose. This year I have also vowed I would try and make more soup and this recipe is packed with vegetables and looks so healthy and colourful.

Creamy Red Pesto Gnocchi

Laura from Mummy Lauretta has this amazing sounding creamy red pesto gnocchi. She does veganuary and was perfect for this. It has all my favourite ingredients such as balsamic vinegar, garlic and sun-dried tomatoes. I’m hoping to try this out with my hubby! We love Italian food.

Vegan Shakshuka

Olly from Savvy Dad has a recipe for vegan shakshuku and this is very odd, as I tried this for the first time today when out! I was keen to see what his recipe would be like. It looks delicious and the ingredients are right up my street. I like anything tomato based.

vegan recipes

Banana & Cashew Granola

Laura from Mummy Lauretta has come up with a really tasty breakfast recipe that sounds great! Banana and Cashew Granola. I always have a boiled egg and toast for breakfast,  so this healthy, vegan alternative would be something to try. I love oats too!

vegan recipes

So there you have it! Some delicious and tasty vegan recipes to try and kick start eating a little more plant-based. I’m looking forward to trying some of these and eating a little less meat in 2020.

Thanks to all the bloggers who have contributed their fantastic vegan recipes.

vegan recipes



  1. January 8, 2020 / 8:31 am

    I have tried pulled Jackfruit before, it is yummy, especially in a wrap and it does have a meaty texture. The sweet potato bolognaise also looks really good. Some nice alternatives to try.

  2. January 8, 2020 / 1:24 pm

    What great ideas you’ve got here. Going to give these Sausage Rolls a go at the weekend I think.

  3. January 8, 2020 / 5:05 pm

    This is perfect timing – we’ve just committed to eating 50% less meat as a family and I’ve been on the hunt for some plant based recipes – have pinned this for later thanks hun! x

  4. January 9, 2020 / 6:43 am

    Lovely article with some great things to try. Thanks for featuring my shakshuka recipe.

  5. January 9, 2020 / 7:24 am

    We are huge fans of chilli in our house, so I would love the idea of trying a vegan version. It’s a great way to getting extra veggies into my picky eater too.

  6. January 9, 2020 / 9:13 am

    My hubby loves meat with every single meal although I do manage to dish up an occasional veggie meal even though I do get a disapproving look lol! I would love to try the chickpea curry, the chilli and the lental and sweet potato bolognaise. I think the curry and chilli I could get away with without too much silent eye treatment haha!

  7. January 9, 2020 / 10:32 am

    I don’t think we’d ever manage to go full vegan, but I definitely want to move towards more plant based meals, and cut back a lot on meat and dairy. I have a vegan lentil bolognese I can’t wait to try out.

  8. January 9, 2020 / 1:06 pm

    I couldn’t go vegan but I do enjoy eating some of the recipes and like to have one or two meat free days a week